Gratomic Inc. appointed Armando Farhate as Chief Operations Officer and Head of Graphite Marketing and Sales. Mr. Farhate was previously appointed as Head of the Advisory Board. Due to his extensive and successful experience in the graphite mining industry, Gratomic is thrilled to have him onboard in his new role with the Company. Mr. Farhate’s prior experience in the planning, engineering, project management, marketing and sales areas of the graphite mining industry make him the ideal candidate to fill this role. Mr. Farhate will oversee all operations for the Aukam Graphite Mine in Namibia, Africa. This includes the completion of the final 10% of construction required to take the processing plant into the full commissioning phase. He will also be responsible for the management of graphite product sales and marketing, leading to the procurement of purchase contracts and the vertical integration required for the creation and sale of end-user products. Mr. Farhate's appointment as Chief Operations Officer is subject to TSX Venture Exchange approval Mr. Farhate's prior experience in the planning, engineering, project management, marketing and sales areas of the graphite mining industry make him the ideal candidate to fill this role. In addition to operations and graphite marketing and sales, Mr. Farhate will oversee the quality management of the Aukam Graphite Mine and he will coordinate important decisions regarding processing.