GOMAJI Corp., LTD announced change of financial officer, accounting officer and spokesperson. .Name, title, and resume of the previous position holder: financial officer: FuLung Cheng/CFO/PricewaterhouseCoopers Manager accounting officer: FuLung Cheng/CFO/PricewaterhouseCoopers Manager spokesperson: FuLung Cheng/CFO/PricewaterhouseCoopers Manager. Name, title, and resume of the new position holder: spokesperson:Amy Sung/General Manager/Gomaji General Manager.

The financial officer and accounting officer will be announced after the approval of the board of directors of the Company. Effective date: December 19, 2022. Financial officer: Temporarily replaced by financial manager LIN,CHEN-YU.

Accounting officer: Temporarily replaced by accounting manager LIN,CHEN-YU. The financial officer and accounting officer will be announced after the approval of the Audit Committee and BOD of the Company.