Gofore Plc provided earnings guidance for the year 2020. Gofore set long-term financial targets when listing on the Nasdaq First North Growth Finland marketplace in the fall of 2017. The company announced then that it is pursuing net sales growth exceeding the growth of the target market, estimated to be an annual 15%–25% in the next few years, and an EBITA margin of 15%. The target market refers to digital services, including the development of new digital services. Gofore Plc's Board of Directors has stated that exceeding the growth of the market and a 15% EBITA margin remain good targets. However, the company's Board of Directors estimates that in 2019, the market has not grown as anticipated, but has remained at 10% approximately. In addition, the Board estimates that the target market will continue to grow in the next few years, but not exceeding 10% level, in general and in the ICT service sector as a whole. Based on these views, Gofore, as its new long-term financial target, is pursuing net sales growth exceeding the growth of the target market and an operating profit before goodwill amortization (EBITA) margin of 15%. The Board of Directors estimates that the company will continue to grow, driven by good customer demand in 2020.