EQS Voting Rights Announcement: Global Fashion Group S.A.

06.06.2024 / 20:30 CET/CEST
Dissemination of a Voting Rights Announcement transmitted by EQS News - a service of EQS Group AG.
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NOTIFICATIONOFMAJORHOLDINGS(tobesenttotherelevantissuerand to the CSSF)i


Filing reference 7279
Submitted at (Luxembourg time) 2024-06-05 18:43


  1.     Identityoftheissuerortheunderlyingissuerofexistingsharesto which voting rights are attachedii:

Global Fashion Group S.A.


  1. Reasonforthenotification:

An acquisition or disposal of financial instruments


  1. Detailsofpersonsubjecttothenotificationobligationiv:

Name: UBS Group AG

City and country of registered office (if applicable): Zurich, Switzerland


  1. Fullname ofshareholder(s)v:



  1. Dateonwhichthethresholdwascrossedorreachedvi:


  1. Totalpositionsofperson(s)subjecttothenotificationobligation:


  % of voting rights attached to shares (total of 7.A) % of voting rights through financial instruments (total of 7.B.1 + 7.B.2) Total of both in % (7.A + 7.B) Total number of voting rights of issuervii
Resulting situation on the date on which threshold was crossed or reached 
Position of previous notification (if applicable) 0.50 4.89 5.38 -


  1.     Notifieddetailsoftheresultingsituationonthedateonwhichthe threshold was crossed or reachedviii:

A: Voting rights attached to shares


Class/type of shares (ISIN code if possible) Number of voting rights directix Number of voting rights indirectix % of voting rights directix % of voting rights indirectix
LU2010095458 0 3,359,989 0.00 1.48
SUBTOTAL A (Direct & Indirect) 3,359,989 1.48


B.1: Financial Instruments according to Art. 12(1)(a) of the Transparency Law


Type of financial instrument Expiration datex Exercise/ Conversion Periodxi Number of voting rights that may be acquired if the instrument is exercised/ converted % of voting rights
Rights to Recall of Lent shares   At Any Time 84,900 0.03
Right of use over shares   At Any Time 9,748,570 4.32
SUBTOTAL B.1 9,833,470 4.35


B.2: Financial Instruments with similar economic effect according to Art. 12(1)(b) of the Transparency Law


Type of financial instrument Expiration datex Exercise/ Conversion Periodxi Physical or cash settlementxii Number of voting rights % of voting rights
Convertible Bonds (DE000A3KMT51) 2028-03-15 26/04/2021-
PHYSICAL 1,893,622 0.83
SUBTOTAL B.2 1,893,622 0.83



  1.       Information in relation to the person subject to the notification obligation:

Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the financial instruments are effectively held starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entityxiv:

% of voting rights held by
ultimate controlling person
or entity or held directly
by any subsidiary if it
equals or is higher than
the notifiable threshold
% of voting rights through
financial instruments
held by ultimate
controlling person or
entity or held directly
by any subsidiary
if it equals or is higher
than the notifiable
Total of both
UBS Group AG      
UBS AG     5.85%
UBS Switzerland AG      
UBS Group AG      
UBS AG     5.85%
UBS Asset Management AG      
UBS Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A.      
UBS Group AG      
UBS AG     5.85%
UBS Asset Management AG      
UBS Asset Management Switzerland AG      



  1. Incaseofproxyvoting:


  1. Additionalinformationxvi:




Date: 2024-06-05 18:43





i Please note that national forms may vary due to specific national legislation (Article 3(1a) of Directive 2004/109/EC) as for instance the applicable thresholds or information regarding capital holdings.

ii Fullnameofthelegalentityandfurtherspecificationoftheissuerorunderlyingissuer,provideditisreliableandaccurate(e.g. address, LEI, domestic number identity).

iii Otherreasonforthenotificationcouldbevoluntarynotifications,changesofattributionofthenatureoftheholding(e.g.expiringof financial instruments) or acting in concert.

iv This should be the full name of (a) the shareholder; (b) the natural person or legal entity acquiring, disposing of or exercising voting rights in the cases provided for in Article 9 (b) to (h) ofthe Transparency Law; or (c) the holder offinancial instruments referred to in Article 12(1) of the Transparency Law.

As the disclosure of cases of acting in concert may vary due to the specific circumstances (e.g. same or different total positions of the parties, entering or exiting of acting in concert by a single party) the standard form does not provide for a specific method how to notify cases of acting in concert.

In relation to the transactions referred to in points (b) to (h) of Article 9 of the Transparency Law, the following list is provided as indication of the persons who should be mentioned:

  • inthecircumstancesforeseen inletter(b)ofArticle9ofthatLaw,thenaturalpersonorlegalentity thatacquiresthevoting rightsandisentitledtoexercisethemundertheagreementandthenaturalpersonorlegalentitywhoistransferring temporarilyforconsiderationthevotingrights;
  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (c) of Article 9 of that Law, the natural person or legal entity holding the collateral, provided the person or entity controls the votingrights anddeclares its intention of exercisingthem, and natural person or legalentitylodgingthecollateralundertheseconditions;
  • inthecircumstancesforeseeninletter(d)ofArticle9ofthatLaw,thenaturalpersonorlegalentitywhohasalifeinterestin sharesifthatpersonorentityisentitledtoexercisethevotingrightsattachedtothesharesandthenaturalpersonorlegal entitywhoisdisposingofthevotingrightswhenthelifeinterestiscreated;
  • inthecircumstancesforeseeninletter(e)ofArticle9ofthatLaw,thecontrollingnaturalpersonorlegalentityand,provided ithasanotificationdutyatanindividuallevelunderArticle8,underletters(a)to(d)ofArticle9ofthatLaworundera combinationofanyofthosesituations,thecontrolledundertaking;
  • inthecircumstancesforeseeninletter(f)ofArticle9ofthatLaw,thedeposittakeroftheshares,ifhecanexercisethe votingrightsattachedtothesharesdepositedwithhimathisdiscretion,andthedepositorofthesharesallowingthedeposit takertoexercisethevotingrightsathisdiscretion;
  • inthecircumstancesforeseeninletter(g)ofArticle9ofthatLaw,thenaturalpersonorlegalentitythatcontrolsthevoting rights;
  • inthecircumstancesforeseeninletter(h)ofArticle9ofthatLaw,theproxyholder,ifhecanexercisethevotingrightsathis discretion, and the shareholder who has given his proxy to the proxy holder allowing the latter to exercise the voting rightsat his discretion (e.g. management companies).

v Applicable in the cases provided for in Article 9 (b) to (h) of the Transparency Law. This should be the full name of the shareholder who is the counterpartyto the natural person or legal entity referredto in Article 9 ofthatLawunless the percentage of voting rights heldby the shareholder is lower thanthe 5% thresholdfor the disclosure of votingrights holdings (e.g. identificationof funds managed by management companies).

vi The date on which threshold is crossed or reached should be the date on which the acquisition or disposal took place or the other reason triggered the notification obligation. For passive crossings, the date when the corporate event took effect.

vii The total number of voting rights shall be composed of all the shares, including depository receipts representing shares, to which voting rights are attached even if the exercise thereof is suspended.

viii Iftheholdinghasfallenbelowthe5%threshold,pleasenotethatitisnotnecessarytodisclosetheextentoftheholding,onlythat thenewholdingisbelowthatthreshold.

ix In case of combined holdings of shares with voting rights attached 'direct holding' and voting rights 'indirect holding', please split the voting rights number and percentage into the direct and indirect columns – if there is no combined holdings, please leave the relevant box blank.

x Dateofmaturity/expirationofthefinancialinstrumenti.e.thedatewhenrighttoacquiresharesends.

xi If thefinancialinstrument hassuchaperiod –pleasespecifythisperiod –forexampleonceevery 3monthsstartingfrom[date].

xii In case of cash settled instruments the number and percentages of voting rights is to be presented on a delta-adjusted basis (Article 12(2) of the Transparency Law).

xiii If the person subject to the notification obligation is either controlled and/or does control another undertaking then the second option applies.

xiv The full chain of controlled undertakings starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entity also has to be presented in the cases in which only on subsidiary level a threshold is crossed or reached and the subsidiary undertaking discloses the notification as only then the market always gets the full picture of the group holdings. In case of multiple chains through which the voting rights and/or financial instruments are effectively held the chains have to be presented chain by chain leaving a row free between differentchains(e.g.:A,B,C,free row,A,B, D,freerow,A,E,Fetc.). Numbersshallbeattributed toallpersonsorentities within thegroup in column 1in order toallow aclearindication of thecontrolstructure in column 6. The names ofallundertakingsof thecontrolchainshallbeprovidedincolumn2,evenifthenumberofthedirectlyheldvotingrightsand/orfinancialinstrumentsisnot equalorhigherthanthenotifiablethreshold.Columns3&4shallindicate theholdingsofthosepersonsorentitiesdirectlyholdingthe votingrightsand/orfinancialinstrumentsiftheholdingisequalorhigherthanthenotifiablethreshold.

xv The names of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or financial instruments are effectively held have to be presentedirrespectivelywhetherthecontrolledundertakingscrossorreachthelowestapplicablethresholdthemselves.

xvi Example:Correctionofa previous notification.

06.06.2024 CET/CEST The EQS Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements, Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases.
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Language: English
Company: Global Fashion Group S.A.
5, Heienhaff
L-1736 Senningerberg

End of News EQS News Service

1920081  06.06.2024 CET/CEST
