GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited received an Order dated 30th April 2024 from Maharashtra GST authorities, disallowing certain GST credits and raising demand on account of disputing eligibility of concessional GST rate for certain products. Name of the authority: Assistant Commissioner of State Tax, GST Bhavan, Mazgaon, Mumbai, Maharashtra. Nature and details of the action(s) taken, initiated or order(s) passed: Order dated 30 April 2024 passed under Section 73 of CGST Act, 2017; For Fiscal Year 2020-21 for Tax of INR 20,970,830 along with Interest of INR 13,421,332 and Penalty of INR 2,097,082 aggregating to a demand of INR 36,489,244.

For Fiscal Year 2021-22 for Tax of INR 20,478,765 along with Interest of INR 94,20,232 and Penalty of INR 20,47,877 aggregating to a demand of INR 31,946,874. For Fiscal Year 2022-23 for Tax of INR 21,664,171 along with Interest of INR 6,499,252 and Penalty of INR 2,166,417, aggregating to a demand of INR 30,329,840. Details of violation(s) /contravention(s) committed or alleged to be committed: The officer has disallowed certain GST credit and raised GST demand on account of disputing eligibility of concessional GST rate for certain products for Fiscal Year 2020-21, Fiscal Year 2021-22 & Fiscal Year 2022-23.

Impact on financial, operation or other activities of the listed entity, quantifiable in monetary terms to the extent possible: No impact on GSK. The Company believes that the said demand is no maintainable and will be filing an Appeal against the said Order.