Mr. Zubair Ahmed, Sr. VP Indian Sub continent (India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh), has been appointed as designate Head of Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa for the proposed joint venture between GSK Consumer Healthcare and Novartis OTC. This proposed role expansion is announced as a part of the integration planning process for the proposed joint venture with Novartis. It is proposed he will take over this role following closure of the deal which is expected in the first half of 2015.

Zubair Ahmed joined GSK Consumer Healthcare in 2007 and over the last seven years has been responsible for leading a team that has more than tripled revenues in the GSK India sub continent business. In this new capacity his responsibility, in addition to the Indian Sub Continent business, will include Asia Pacific (including China, Japan, Australia and New Zealand), Middle East (including Turkey, Iran and Pakistan) and Africa. The organisational structure under Zubair Ahmed will be the subject of a separate announcement.