Izdanje obveznice Raiffeisenbank Austria d Announcement

Announcement of the Results of the Telephone Session of the Supervisory Board

Kalinovica, 28 October 2015 - GENERA d.d. (ZSE: VERN-R-A) announces that on 28 October 2015 the session of the Supervisory Board was held by telephone, at which session the Supervisory Board amended the decision on the appointment of Anne-Francoise Nesmes as a Member of the Management Board in a way that the decision was made to appoint Ms. Anne-Francoise Nesmes as a Chairman of the Management Board for a term of 12 months, as of 2 November 2015. Management Board of Genera d.d. consists of 2 members.

For more information on Genera, please visit www.genera.hr


Ana Bagarić, Director of Corporate Communications, +385 1 33 88 603, ana.bagaric@genera.hr

Ana Prelog, Head of Corporate Communications, +385 1 33 88 726, ana.prelog@genera.hr


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