Izdanje obveznice Raiffeisenbank Austria d Announcement Shareholders' Meeting Held

Kalinovica, 28 Mai 2015 - GENERA d.d. ("VERN-R-A") announces that on 28 April 2015 the Shareholders' Meeting was held at the seat of the Company GENERA d.d., in Kalinovica (the City of Sveta Nedjelja), Svetonedeljska 2.
At the Shareholders' Meeting of the company Genera d.d. all decisions, except for item 8 of the agenda, were accepted under all items of the agenda in form and substance as proposed in the invitation published on 25 April 2015 through the Official Gazette, the Zagreb Stock Exchange, the Official Register of Prescribed Information of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency, the Croatian News Agency and the website of the Company. For item 8 of the Agenda which refers to the decision on the election of the auditor for the year 2015, a counterproposal was received under which instead of the current auditors of the Company for the business year 2015 a new audit company should be selected, Deloitte d.o.o., Radnička cesta 80/VI, 10000 Zagreb. The Shareholders' Meeting voted on the aforementioned counterproposal and passed the decision on the change of the auditor for the year
For more information about Genera please visit www.genera.hr


Ana Bagarić, Director of Corporate Communications, +385 1 33 88 603, ana.bagaric@genera.hr
Ana Prelog, Head of Corporate Communications, +385 1 33 88 726, ana.prelog@genera.hr

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