Geely Automobile Holdings Limited announced sales results for the month and year-to-date of December 2017. For the month, the company reported that the total sales volume of the Group for the month of December 2017 reached another record high level of 153,625 units, an increase of approximately 42% over the same period last year and up around 9% from November 2017. The Group's exports volume was down around 76% year-on-year to 329 units in the month of December 2017. During the month of December 2017, the group's total sales volume in the China market was 153,296 units (including the sales volume of LYNK & CO-branded vehicles sold by the Group's 50%-owned joint venture), an increase of around 43% from the same period last year.

For the year-to-date, the total sales volume for 2017 was 1,247,116 units, an increase of approximately 63% from the same period last year and exceeding the Group's revised full year sales volume target of 1,100,000 units in 2017.

The Board set the Group's sales volume target for the year of 2018 at 1,580,000 units (including the sales volume target for LYNK & CO-branded vehicles), representing an increase of around 27% over 2017.