Galileo Resources plc announced establishment of a project team that has commenced work on the compilation of historical drilling records in relation to the newly acquired JV over the Luansobe Copper Project, Zambia (the "Project") comprising Small Scale Exploration Licence No. 28340-HQ-SEL (the "Licence"). Highlights: An independent review of historical drilling data for the Luansobe Copper Project is underway during the Initial JV Period aimed at compiling all available data into a database to be used to model the extent and tenor of the strata-bound sedimentary copper deposit.

Preliminary analysis suggests that the deposit has a strike length of up to 3km and extends to a depth of at least 1,250m, with some exceptional drill intercepts, including 18.6m @ 3.24% Cu in the NW of the deposit. Independent consultants Addison Mining Services of the UK and GeoQuest of Zambia have been engaged to compile and review historical drill data. Once this review is complete a drill programme will be designed to upgrade the 1974 global resource of 20Mt @ 2.51% Cu to JORC (2012) standard.

The Company has prepared a shortlist of local drilling contractors in preparation for drilling of confirmatory holes, as well as resource infill and extension. The Company will be pursuing two concurrent development options, including; The potential for a shallower copper oxide mine. The prospect for a large-scale sulphide resource at depth.

Much of the historical drill-core sampling appears constrained to copper analysis only and the Company intends to re-analyse available historical samples for cobalt.