Fujitsu announced that it has organized its security related products and services to bolster ICT safety and security for its customers and society into its new FUJITSU Security Initiative. This newly organized collection of products and services will initially only be available in Japan but will roll out globally in stages. With the FUJITSU Security Initiative, the company will provide integrated security support to customers by combining the advanced products and services it has been offering with its expertise in building and executing security measures as well as education and training for staff that was developed for its own operations.

The company will also establish the new Security Initiative Center staffed with security experts. Through a lifecycle consisting of services for customers' security environments, from threat identification and consideration of appropriate countermeasures, to building and operating solutions, the company will provide support to maintain constant security against increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks. Through its FUJITSU Security Initiative, in cooperation with security vendors and other external organizations around the world, the company will deliver a comprehensive package of security products and services for the safety and security of its customers and society as a whole.

With the spread of cloud computing and smart devices, ICT is used in an increasingly wide range of environments. At the same time, however, cyber-attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated. In creating countermeasures against such attacks, making ICT both easy to use and secure is a significant challenge.

The company has continuously been developing and providing security related products and services. Through appropriate countermeasures and operations, the company, which is comprised of approximately 300 companies worldwide, currently deals with several hundred million individual cyber-attacks each day on its own Intranet. In order to apply this expertise to the security measures of its customers and deliver integrated support, including enhanced systems and operations as well as education and training of a company's personnel, the company has organized its line of products and services into the new FUJITSU Security Initiative.

It is also establishing the Security Initiative Center to provide a one stop shop of support functions for constantly maintaining the optimal level of customer security environments. The company has organized all of the products and services that support ICT safety and security into the FUJITSU Security Initiative to provide a solid foundation for innovation for its customers and society as a whole. The company will bring together the most advanced solutions from the company and other companies from around the world for the integrated offering of optimized combinations and operational services to customers.

Offerings: In addition to each offering within the existing SafetyValue safety and security solution, the company now provides a one stop shop for security measures, operations, and education /training based on a model that can be tailored to the scale of the customer's business environment, social responsibility, and ICT infrastructure. Security consulting: By adding CSIRT configuration support service to Information Security Support Consulting, the company is expanding its support for cyber-attack countermeasures to customers. Based on the company's own CSIRT-compliant the company Cloud CERT, which protects cloud services, this provides a system and set of rules for responding to security incidents, and strengthens customers' ability to function as an organization.

Security operations: Through information sharing carried out by the company Cloud CERT and the internal information system department, threats and vulnerabilities can be quickly discovered and their impact can be analyzed. This information sharing has resulted in improvements to the Security Optimization Monitoring Service. Monitoring and operating rules will change depending on the assessment and analysis, and will provide a complete service that includes a comprehensive situational assessment from attack monitoring and local countermeasure support, all in order to take appropriate action against new threats, such as constantly evolving cyber-attacks.

Education & training program: Building on the training expertise that the company has cultivated in-house, Fujitsu will be offering the Cyber Security Training Course. The service is aimed at business managers, incident managers, security experts, and system developers, with education and training in the respective skills required for each of these roles. Classes will use a "cyber range two" as a training tool to help people learn methods for diagnosing vulnerabilities and understanding how malware works.

The Security Initiative Center is being created to provide continuous support to customers by building and operating secure environments for them. This will provide a Cyber Security One-Stop Shop, offering Cyber Security Workshops, Design & Construction Validation, and Assessment & Analysis of Current Threats & Vulnerabilities. By making this available to customers, their security will be continuously updated and they will be provided with support in the form of optimized security countermeasures in the face ever evolving cyber attacks.

Cyber Security One-Stop Shop: Security experts will use the company's own methods to develop measures based on the customer's current situation and assist with drawing up a roadmap. The company will also assess the feasibility of optimized operation when developing countermeasures, as well as taking the lead in validating the content of the countermeasures. Design & Construction Validation: By constructing a system in the cyber range that is similar to customer environments, the company can assess the design of proposed security measures, validate the content of the design and verify functional excesses and deficiencies.

Assessment & Analysis of Current Threats & Vulnerabilities: Working together with the company Cloud CERT and the internal information system department, threats and vulnerabilities can be quickly discovered and assessed, and their impact analyzed. The assessment and analysis of the results can be shared with the operation service, enabling countermeasures to be prioritized and reflected in the operational policy with the aim of minimizing risk.