FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - Passengers at Frankfurt Airport will be able to pass through security checks more quickly. The operator Fraport has installed nine additional baggage scanners with computer tomography technology. These devices create three-dimensional images of hand luggage so that passengers no longer have to remove liquids, smartphones and other electronic devices. In the past, this had led to long delays at the checkpoints.

"On the busy Easter and Whitsun travel days, there were no relevant waiting times at the security checkpoints," explained Fraport's Head of Infrastructure, Pierre Dominique Prümm. According to Fraport, 40 of the 160 control lanes in the two terminals are now equipped with the new technology. Points with particularly high passenger volumes were selected for this purpose. CT technology will then be standard in Terminal 3, which is due to open in 2026./ceb/DP/mis