Fortune Sun (China) Holdings Limited provided earnings guidance for the year ended December 31, 2020. For the year, the company expected to record a substantial decrease in net loss or record a turnaround to profit of not more than RMB 0.5 million for the Year as compared to the RMB16.7 million loss recorded for the previous year. The significant reduction on loss or turnaround from loss to profit was mainly due to (i) the increase in turnover and gross profit margin of the Group's comprehensive property consultancy and agency service in the PRC as a result of the increase in demand of residential properties in the PRC during the Year; (ii) a significant decrease in the Group's general and administrative expenses as a result of the implementation of stringent cost control policies and the significant reduction in the number of business trips during the Year; and (iii) a one- off gain as a result of the positive court judgement against a former customer of the Group as mentioned in the Company's announcements dated 25 November 2020 and 1 December 2020 during the Year.