First Hydrogen Corp. announced that its fourth hydrogen-fuel-powered vehicle (FCEV) trial is proceeding well, a report will be ready later this month. The Company is working with more companies, that attended the HORIBA MIRA track day, on finalizing details of FCEV trials.

The Company has also started discussions with a country-wide industrial fleet operator in Mexico, to update their fleets to hydrogen powered fuel cells as well as adding additional FCEVs to their fleet and to deploy a country-wide Hydrogen Refueling Stations (HRS) infrastructure. Mexico's hydrogen trade body, Asociación Mexicana de Hidrógeno (AMH) states there are at least 15 projects under development in Mexico, worth a total capex investment of USD 20 billion. Hydrogen Insight estimates that the USD 20 billion would facilitate nearly 7 gigawatts (GW) of green hydrogen.

First Hydrogen has demonstrated how its fuel cell's powertrain delivers power when needed, achieving outputs of 60kW in transient accelerations, and in previous trials the vehicle has achieved a peak range of 630 km (400 miles). This indicates the vehicle can manage more demanding duties, such as carrying heavier payloads, driving over hilly terrain or powering auxiliary equipment (onboard power).