International Launch Services and Eutelsat Communications announced that the EUTELSAT 9B satellite will be launched in 2015 by an ILS Proton launch vehicle. EUTELSAT 9B, weighing 5300 kg, is a high-capacity Ku-band satellite being built by Space Systems of Airbus Defence and Space. Based on a Eurostar E3000 platform, its 66 transponders will deliver to Eutelsat fresh resources and enhanced performance for broadcasting at the established 9 degrees East location via multiple service areas over Europe.

EUTELSAT 9B will also host the first data relay payload for the European Data Relay Satellite System being implemented through a Public-Private Partnership between Space Systems and ESA. The EDRS system of telecommunication satellites in geostationary orbit will enable very high data rate, bi-directional data relay communications between Low Earth Orbit Earth observation satellites and an associated ground segment. The Proton launch vehicle is Russia's heritage heavy-lift vehicle, built by Khrunichev Research and Production Space Center, the majority owner of ILS and one of the mainstays of the global space industry.