Eureka Lithium Corp. reported that its 15-person crew has completed a successful first-pass field program at the Company's Raglan West Lithium Project in northern Quebec. Raglan West Highlights: A total of 61 rock samples were collected at Raglan West and have been submitted for assaying, bringing the total number of samples collected to date to 145 (83 across the 736 sq.

km New Leaf Project in southern Nunavik);. Sampling at Raglan West has focused on the two dozen (24) pegmatite units identified to date, with many of these pegmatites hosted in mafic rocks ranging from metabasalts to metadiorites. Pegmatite compositions range from leucogranite to syeno and monzogranite, with accessory minerals such as biotite, muscovite, and garnet; The high presence of metamorphosed supracrustal rocks at Raglan West provides a favorable geological setting for LCT (lithium-cesium tantalum) pegmatite systems;.

All Raglan West lake bottom sediment values from the Quebec government database were sampled to provide information on surrounding plutonic rocks. Raglan West contains some of the highest lithium and cesium values in lake bottom sediments (99th percentile) in the Quebec government database.