Etihad Atheeb Telecom Company announced the replacement of the member of the Board of Directors representing Batelco, Shaikh. Mohamed Khalifa Salman Alkhalifa (Non-Executive), with Mr. Faisal Mohd Nazih Qamhiyah as a member of the Board of Directors (non-executive) and a representative of Batelco with effect from 28/07/1443 AH. Corresponding to March 1, 2022 AD, based on the letter of the Chairman of Batelco-s Board of Directors received on March 01, 2022 to complete the remaining period in the current session of the Board of Directors, which will end on October 25, 2023. This appointment will be presented to the first meeting of the General Assembly for approval.
With this, the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors of Etihad Atheeb Telecommunications Company (GO) expresses sincere thanks and appreciation to Shaikh. Mohamed Khalifa Salman Alkhalifa for his efforts, effective participation and value that he provided during his membership in the company's board of directors, wishing him continued success. The members of the Board of Directors welcomed Mr. Faisal Mohd Nazih Qamhiyah, as a new member of the Board of Directors, wishing him success in providing his knowledge and experiences to support the company's business.