BERLIN (dpa-AFX) - Environmental Action Germany is calling on Economics and Climate Protection Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) to carry out a "climate audit" of the planned power plant strategy. Federal Managing Director Sascha Müller-Kraenner told the German Press Agency: "Anyone subsidizing gas-fired power plants today must show how this fits in with climate targets. The EU Commission is quite rightly calling for this in the power plant strategy." Federal Economics Minister Habeck must take this very seriously. A climate audit is essential.

Müller-Kraenner referred to a letter from the EU Directorate-General for Competition to Umwelthilfe. It states that natural gas is considered a transitional fuel and can be demanded as such if its compatibility with climate targets for 2030 and 2050 is proven - and if sufficient safety precautions are taken to ensure that the demand does not lead to a lock-in of natural gas. There is also talk of public consultations.

"The construction and subsidization of an entire fleet of gas-fired power plants is no small matter," says Müller-Kraenner. "Public consultation must therefore be a mandatory part of the further procedure. This is important so that not only industrial interests are heard, but also environmental protection and, last but not least, citizens are given a voice."

In February, the German government agreed on the key points of a strategy for the construction of new gas-fired power plants. They are to be operated with hydrogen at a later date and be available as "backups" to secure electricity generation from renewable energies from wind and sun. The government wants to demand investment and operating costs for hydrogen-capable gas-fired power plants. Approval under state aid law is still pending from Brussels./hoe/DP/zb