Enterprise Metals Limited completed the prospecting and scout sampling/mapping phase of its lithium exploration program. Sampling was focused between Mathesons Pegmatite and the southern boundary of Exploration Licence 77/2568, just north of the Radio Mine, within the Bullfinch North project, located to the north of Southern Cross, Western Australia. Commencing at the outcropping Matheson Pegmatite, Enterprise field staff traversed the 7.5km zone to the northern margin of the Radio Gold Mine, seeking outcrops, subcrops and scree reflecting the presence of pegmatites hidden under cover of alluvial and colluvial soils around the margin of Lake Deborah West.

During the prospecting/mapping phase, a total of 165 "-80#" soil samples were initially analysed by Portable Spectral Services in West Perth using an X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) technique which generated indicative analysis results for 27 elements, from which "Lithium index values" were calculated with a proprietary algorithm. Duplicate -80# soils samples were also sent to MinAnalytical Laboratories in Canning Vale for chemical analysis, using a 4 acid digest and OES/MS ICP technique for analysis of 60 elements, including lithium and associated pathfinders. It is apparent from the spatial analysis of the Lithium and other element results that Li and its associated elements are clustered near the historic Bingin gold mines in the north, and the Radio Gold Mine in the south.

Both of these locations are spatially located close to the apices of the Radio Granite. Enterprise's Lithium exploration program commenced with a research project funded by Enterprise and undertaken by Zoe Phelps-Barber of the University of Leicester. Ms Phelps-Barber compiled exploration histories of prominent lithium discoveries in Western Australia's Yilgarn and Pilbara Regions, with a particular focus on the Earl Grey deposit in the southern part of the Yilgarn Southern Cross Greenstone Belt.

With regards to the Earl Grey deposit, very extensive and detailed soil sampling over some 50 km of strike identified a relatively small +60ppm Li anomaly, sourced from a major, globally significant spodumene-pegmatite lithium deposit.