During the meeting, which took place in an atmosphere of cordiality, Paolo Scaroni together with Claudio Descalzi, COO of Eni E&P, have updated President Guebuza on the progress of exploration activities, particularly on the Mamba North 1, the second exploration well being drilled in Block 4 offshore Mozambique.

San Donato Milanese, 3 January 2012 -The President of the Republic of Mozambique, Armando Guebuza, and Eni's CEO, Paolo Scaroni, met today in Bilene, in south Mozambique, to discuss  Eni's ongoing activities and projects in the country.

During the meeting, which took place in an atmosphere of cordiality, Paolo Scaroni together with Claudio Descalzi, COO of Eni E&P, have updated President Guebuza on the progress of exploration activities, particularly on the Mamba North 1, the second exploration well being drilled in Block 4 offshore Mozambique.

The first evaluations give encouraging signs and the final result will be made public by the end of January.

During the meeting infrastructure projects, which are to be carried out in accordance with strategic development strategies of the country, were also discussed. President Guebuza and CEO Paolo Scaroni have promised to meet again periodically to check the progress of this strategic project for the future of Mozambique and Eni.

Eni is the operator of the Area 4with a 70% participating interest. The other companies in the Area are  Galp Energia(10%), KOGAS(10%) and  ENH(10%, exploration phase only).

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