On February 24, 2012, The Microsoft Technology Innovation 2012 Award (MTIA) was presented to Sgt. Chris Zelezney & Director Michael MacKinnon on behalf of the University of Windsor's Community Police.

The MTIA award is a joint initiative between Microsoft Canada, the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) and the CACP informatics Committee. Projects submitted are of work done by individuals and teams that incorporate new ideas demonstrating creativity and innovation in using technology to help in the advancement of policing, specifically for the front-line service providers. EmerGeo Fusionpoint is one of the core technologies that provides the University Police and other stakeholder's with emergency mapping, situational awareness and an interoperability platform to help get all responders sharing the most up-to-date maps, incident reports, response plans and activities and resource information during emergencies, major events and disasters.

The full article is available at:
http://www.futureshield.com/pdf/University of Windsor Microsoft Award 2012_Press Release.pdf