Elevation Gold Mining Corporation announced consolidated production results for the second quarter and year to date ended June 30, 2024. For the quarter, the company's Total tonnes mined was 1,562,730 tonnes against 2,243,234 tonnes a year ago. Ore tonnes mined was 645,351 tonnes against 745,781 tonnes a year ago. Ore tonnes stacked was 696,673 tonnes against 721,187 tonnes a year ago. Gold Grade was 0.35 g/t against 0.38 g/t a year ago. Gold ounces produced was 6,380 ounces against 6,788 ounces a year ago. Contained gold ounces stacked was 7,775 oz against 8,850 oz a year ago.

For the year to date, the company's Total tonnes mined was 3,410,560 tonnes against 4,483,355 tonnes a year ago. Ore tonnes mined was 1,281,282 tonnes against 1,424,435 tonnes a year ago. Ore tonnes stacked was 1,351,027 tonnes against 1,419,538 tonnes a year ago. Gold Grade was 0.38 g/t against 0.41 g/t a year ago. Gold ounces produced was 12,683 ounces against 14,677 ounces a year ago. Contained gold ounces stacked was 16,521 oz against 18,538 oz a year ago.