Eastern Commercial Leasing Public Company Limited at its board meeting held on 23 February 2023 approved to propose the payment of dividend from operating results for the period January to December 2022 to shareholders of 1,108,859,002 shares eligible for dividend at the rate of THB 0.10 per shares, amounting to dividend declared of THB 110,885,900.20. However, the Board 3/2565 on 11 August 2022 resolved to approve, the interim dividend payment was paid on 9 September 2022 at the rate of THB 0.05 per shares, total in of THB 55,442,950.10. Therefore, this time there is another dividend that will be paid at the rate of THB 0.05 per share, a dividend of THB 55,442,950.10.

The eligibility is still uncertain, subject to approval at the shareholders' meeting. The Board felt appropriate to submit for approval consideration at the shareholders' meeting, with scheduled name list date eligible for dividend declared on the same date eligible for the AGM meeting as the Record Date on 14 March 2023, and dividend payable on 12 May 2023.