RICHMOND, Va. - DVI, a Dominion company that offers its EDGE® technology to utilities to plan, manage and validate investments in grid optimization, will showcase EDGE® 1.2 with its new capabilities at the DistribuTECH industry conference Jan. 29-31 in San Diego, Calif.

"EDGE® is being well-received across the country as a great tool for electric utilities to optimize their distribution system, save energy and save their customers money," said Todd Headlee, executive director-DVI. "The industry is looking for solutions that do more than voltage optimization, but also provide VAR optimization and advanced Demand Response capabilities. EDGE® 1.2 makes that possible."

EDGE® is a modular and adaptive conservation voltage management solution enabling utilities to deploy incremental grid-side energy management that requires no behavioral changes or purchases by end customers. EDGE® provides significant and sustainable energy savings of as much as 4 percent through integrated planning, execution and validation of grid side energy efficiency management.

Central Lincoln People's Utility District, a leading Oregon electric utility, recently signed an agreement with Landis+Gyr to establish a demonstration Dynamic Voltage Management project, powered by DVI EDGE® in conjunction with Landis+Gyr's Gridstream® RF advanced metering network, to monitor and adjust distribution circuit voltage. This project will allow the utility to reduce voltage levels, targeting the most efficient band of the required voltage range, thereby conserving electricity.

"After recently completing our Gridstream advanced meter deployment, we've been investigating ways to extend the value of our smart grid systems. Voltage management has a number of benefits as both a way to increase energy efficiency and improve power quality," said Bruce Lovelin, chief engineer/systems engineering manager at Central Lincoln. "We look forward to demonstrating real energy and cost savings with this project."

While Central Lincoln's focus is on energy efficiency, the EDGE® product can also provide Volt/VAR and Demand Response benefits. "The same CVR principles that provide precision voltage control to reduce overall energy usage can also be used to shave peak demand at the utility" said Phil Powell, DVI director of Innovation. "EDGE® allows utilities to meet their specific objectives and makes the business case circuit-by-circuit."

DVI will be demonstrating EDGE® in booth 3045 at the DistribuTECH industry conference Jan. 29-31 in San Diego, Calif.

DVI is a leading provider of grid optimization technology providing solutions for energy efficiency, demand response, and volt/VAR control. Our solutions plan, manage, and validate your investments in grid monetization while delivering significant energy savings to both utilities and their customers. For more information about DVI, visit the website at

Dominion (NYSE: D) is one of the nation's largest producers and transporters of energy, with a portfolio of approximately 27,400 megawatts of

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