Deutsche Telekom AG (DB:DTE) commences share repurchases on January 3, 2024, under the program mandated by the shareholders in the Annual General Meeting held on April 1, 2021. As per the mandate, the company will repurchase its own shares, such that, at no time it?s holding in own shares represent more than 10% of its issued share capital. The repurchases will be made either on the stock exchange or through a public offer to all shareholders or a public invitation to make a purchase offer. If the shares are acquired on the stock exchange, the repurchase price (excluding transaction costs) may not be more than 10% above or 20% below the market price of the shares determined by the opening auction on the trading day on which the contractual transaction was concluded in the Xetra trading system of Deutsche Börse AG (or a subsequent system). If the shares are purchased through a public purchase offer presented to all shareholders, the purchase price offered, or the limits of the purchase price range offered per share (excluding transaction costs) may not be more than 10% above or below the average market price of the share between the 9th and 5th trading day before the date of publication of the offer. The repurchased shares will be used to fulfill option and/or conversion rights and obligations from convertible bonds and/or bonds with warrants issued, either directly or through a company. The program will be valid till March 31, 2026. As of February 26, 2021, the company has 4,761,458,596 shares issued.

On January 2, 2024, the company announced a share repurchase program. Under the program, the company will repurchase up to ?2,000 million worth of its shares. The purpose of the program is to partially offset the dilutive effect of the 2021 capital increase. The shares repurchased will be retired. The program will be carried out in several tranches and until December 31, 2024.

On January 2, 2024, the company announced a share repurchase program. Under the 1st tranche of the program, the company will repurchase up to 25,000,000 shares, for ?550 million. The repurchases will commence from January 3, 2024 and will run until April 4, 2024.

On March 25, 2024, the company announced an increase in its equity buyback plan. The company increased its authorization by an additional amount of ?250 million, thereby increasing the total plan term monetary value under the first tranche authorization to ?800 million and also extended its tranche duration till May 17, 2024.