Hofheim, January 8, 2013

The former Deufol AG company, of Hofheim, gives notice that it has successfully completed its transformation into Deufol SE (Societas Europaea or European Company) on the basis of a new entry on the Commercial Register. In parallel to this, Deufol SE will be introducing registered shares in the coming weeks, with a view to making its shareholder structure more transparent.

In conjunction with the transformation into an SE, resolved upon at the Annual General Meeting of 4 July 2012, Deufol is also introducing a Management Board based on the monistic system. The executive directors who function as members of the Deufol Management Board are Detlef W. Hübner (Global Strategy / Operations), Dr Tillmann Blaschke (Business Development & Customer Relations, Marketing & Communications, Finance, Legal & Compliance) and Dennis Hübner (Production, Operational Excellence, Human Resources, IT Services). Jens Hof (Purchasing, Property, Admin & Support), Manfred Weirich (Europe North) and Jürgen Schmid (Europe South) have been appointed as additional executive directors. 

The SE transformation shows Deufol emphasizing the significance of its international business and the variety of the Group's corporate culture - the company now has branches in ten different countries. The corporate head office of Deufol SE continues to be in Hofheim, in Germany's Hessian region. This is also the base from which the business affairs of the Deufol Group will be managed in future. 

The Deufol Group is underlining its commitment to continuing internationalization by setting up a World Board, on which the different regions are represented. The World Board of Deufol SE will codetermine strategies throughout the Group, coordinate best practice sharing and press ahead with business development on a global scale. All executive directors are members of the World Board, as also are the regional representatives Bill Morgan (North America), Ron MacDougall (North America), Alessandro Olivieri (Italy, France), Ronald Schrooten (Benelux), Vitezslav Dovrtel (Europe East) and Frank Ghesquiere (Asia).

The new Deufol SE will have labour representation at European level in the form of the SE Works Council. This will make it easier for all company employees in Europe to contribute to the discussion of topics relevant to the Group as a whole through their different regional representatives.

The Chairman of the Special Negotiating Body (SNB) and the SE Works Council, Gerhard Zurek, expressed himself in positive terms: 'The negotiations that took place were constructive. I think that the SE Works Council gives us good chances in future of exercising an influence on corporate decisions.' 

'I am pleased that the transformation of the company into an SE has gone through successfully in just a few months,' said Detlef W. Hübner, company founder and Chairman of the Management Board of Deufol SE. 'The new legal form will make it easier for us in future to grow, in Europe and throughout the world. The introduction of registered shares makes it possible to know who holds what kind of share in the company. This should also make it easier for us to engage in direct dialogue with our shareholders.'

About the Deufol Group

The Deufol-Group is a global premium service provider for packaging and supplementary services. The listed group with headquarters in Hofheim (Germany) is internationally represented by 77 operations located in ten countries. Around the world, the Deufol Group has about 4,000 employees.

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