Cyclopharm Limited advised that, on 2 January 2019, the Company enrolled its 100th patent in its current Phase 3 Trial in support of its proposed application to the USFDA to obtain approval to sell Technegas into the US market. As previously announced, Cyclopharm is also pursuing an alternate pathway for the approval of US Technegas sales, known as a `505(b)2' pathway. This pathway will allow the use of existing clinical data on the performance of Technegas compared to competing products and technologies, in addition to data obtained from the current Phase 3 Trial. Cyclopharm submitted its 505(b)2 literature review protocol to the USFDA on 27 December 2018 and are awaiting comments. If the 505(b)2 New Drug Application is successful, the Company will be in a position to conclude patient recruitment for the current Phase 3 Clinical Trial ahead of previous expectations.