The Copyright Society of Liberia (COSOL) has launched a data collection survey with the objective of collecting information on the generation and usage of copyright materials (literary, artistic, audiovisual materials, etc.) in Montserrado County for the periods 2015-2020.

This launching was held in the Conference room of the Director-General at LIPO offices on Friday, November 27, 2020, after a one-day refresher training for its data collectors. The survey comes amid the struggle of accessing reliable statistics and data on the creative industry, particularly the usage of the sector materials.

Therefore, data can point out patterns in several aspects of life - including personal preferences. The survey hopes to understand the type of creative works people use, how and when they access it, what they look for, and how much creative work has been generated over the last five years.

COSOL, a Collective Management Organization committed to the development of the creative industry economically is launching this pilot project to collect and analyze data on arts and culture usage solely in Montserrado County with a key goal of developing programs and activities that are tailored to the interest of the institution members, and the growth of the creative industry.

The two-month survey, which is the first of large pending surveys, is intended for COSOL to have the needed information and grasp an understanding of the industry in figures or statistics, in real-time to enable adequate regulation, policies, and activities in the interest of the sector.

It is a medium by which COSOL will gather information to tailor programs to address the need of the high volatile areas of the industry and rank them in areas of priority.

"This survey drive will enable us to collect data in real-time and provide a statistical projections for users and potential users of creativity -- and aligning programs and activities that will be easily accessible, understood, identify and meets the demand and aspiration of all creators, all with the goal of collecting and distributing collected royalties to right holders," says Prince E. Decker, Excretive Director of COSOL.

An understanding of the Industry will provide better regulations and programs, however, without the necessary statistics on creativity, "we will be unable to better drive our programs and present an agenda that will attract attention to challenges this sector actors are faced and also private sector investment for growth" added Mr. Decker.

Survey data will be collected through questionnaires, design in the simplest forms and distributed via electronic and non-electronic means in order to reach respondent swiftly.

"The survey will provide the public with access to unique data that will make it easier than ever to inform and educate stakeholders. It is essential in attracting massive stakeholders' support for our arts and cultural life. "Mr. Decker added.

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