To: China Shipping 1st Proof 2014-03-26 22:01 File Name: HAM1403399_E_China Shipping_28.indd

(Vite D) (HAM1403399_E_China Shipping) (344) P.1 Elite

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for

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(A joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)


This announcement is made by China Shipping Container Lines Company Limited (the
"Company") on a voluntary basis.
Reference is made to the announcement of the Compan y dated 30 March 2012 (the "Announcement") in relation to a connected transaction of the Company exempt from reporting, announcement and independent shareholders' approval requirements pursuant to Rule 14A.65(4) of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. Terms used herein shall have the same meanings as those defined in the Announcement, unless otherwise defined.
As disclosed in the Announcement, the Company entered into the Entrusted Loan Agreement with China Shipping and CS Finance Company on 26 March 2012 whereby China Shipping entrusted CS Finance Company to provide the Entrusted Loan in the amount of RMB2,000,000,000 to the Company, with the principal of the Entrusted Loan to be repaid after three years.
The board of directors of the Company (the "Board") hereby announces that the Company has actively broadened its financing channels, optimized its debt structure and continuously enhanced its financial and fund management capability. The Company's debt asset ratio and other relevant financial indicators have been steady and its overall output and operations have been stable. According to the Company's current development of business operations and funding situation, it made early repayment of the Entrusted Loan in the principal amount of RMB2,000,000,000 together with related interest on 31 March 2014.
By order of the Board of

China Shipping Container Lines Company Limited Ye Yumang

Company Secretary

Shanghai, the People's Republic of China
31 March 2014

The Board as at the date of this announcement comprises of Mr. Zhang Guofa, Mr. Huang Xiaowen and M r. Zhao Hongzhou, being executive Director s, M r. Wang Daxiong , Ms. Su Min, Mr. Ding Nong, Mr. Chen Jihong and Mr. Zhang Rongbiao, being non-executive Directors, and Ms. Zhang Nan, Mr. Teo Siong Seng, Mr. Chen Lishen, Mr. Guan Yimin and Mr. Shi Xin, being independent non-executive Directors.

* The Company is a registered non-Hong Kong company as defined in the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622 of the Laws of Hong Kong) and it is registered under its Chinese name and under the English name "China Shipping Container Lines Company Limited".

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