Codemill AB has announced that its Digital Services team has been selected by Amazon Studios, to design and build a next generation Media Supply Chain platform. Codemill will provide UX research, design and full stack software development services. The current order is worth $770,000 (approx.

SEK 7.9 million). Codemill Digital Services consist of UX research, design, full stack software development, integration, onboarding and technical support. Customers select the underlying technology stack, while collaborating with Codemill on the frontend user experience, to create an integrated end-to-end workflow.

From content acquisition and task management, to Quality Control (QC), asset localisation/versioning, content verification, compliance and ad-break workflows, to order fulfilment, packaging and delivery. Commonly, Codemill's Accurate Player SDK and Accurate.Video software suite add key user functionality to the overall workflow.