Clear Blue Technologies Inc. announced the delivery of a modular, lithium energy capability that can scale as the power demands of nano-grid systems change and grow. Clear Blue’s Smart Off-Grid power systems now include Clear Blue-certified lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries within Clear Blue’s telecom, lighting, and IoT Smart Off-Grid power packs. There are many benefits to lithium batteries including smaller size, faster charging and longer life. When properly managed, it’s an effective technology. However, when left unmanaged, performance can degrade significantly and reduce the available energy as well as the system life. Smart Off-Grid for Lithium will manage charging cycles, state of charge, and other aspects that are key to maximizing performance. In addition, it enables systems to grow and scale in a modular fashion due to Clear Blue’s unique Smart Off-Grid energy storage management capabilities. Scaling systems that use lithium ion batteries with solar charging is very difficult since lithium batteries have a significant risk of being damaged by spikes in charge current when connected in parallel. Clear Blue’s Smart Off-Grid for Lithium enables the batteries to charge individually while operating in parallel when powering loads. Smart Off-Grid for Lithium Features: Power safety; Charge management; Temperature management; State of charge data and analytics; Energy capacity and system life forecasting; Failure prediction; System state of health; Analytics from changes in voltage and current over time; Clear Blue’s solutions now include 24V lithium (LiFePo4) batteries, with an innovative design for modular and scalable growth to deliver more power as systems grow over the life of their operation. The offering includes modular capabilities with 40ah, 80ah, 120ah, 160ah, and 240ah modules.