NEW YORK, Nov 3 (Reuters) - Ed Morse, Citigroup's global head of commodities strategy and a veteran oil analyst, is leaving the bank after 12 years, according to an internal memo seen by Reuters on Friday.

Max Layton, who joined Citi six years ago covering cross-commodity strategies, bulk commodities and industrial and precious metals, will replace Morse as global head of commodities strategy, the memo said.

Morse did not immediately reply to a request for comment

The memo, signed by global head of equity research and advisory Lucy Baldwin and global head of fixed income strategy Rob Rowe, says the bank wishes Morse well in the next phase of his career, without elaborating.

Goldman Sachs' global head of commodities research Jeff Currie, a prominent analyst who accurately predicted a surge in commodity prices in the 2000s, also retired earlier this year. (Reporting by Tatiana Bautzer and Saeed Azhar)