Jisc is deploying Ciena's 6500 packet-optical platform powered by WaveLogic Ai [3] coherent optics to provide unprecedented high-capacity 400G wavelength connectivity. The deployment makes the Janet Network one of the most digitally-advanced NRENs globally in terms of scale, automation and network intelligence. Working with Ciena, the Janet Network was the first NREN to provide 100G for users and, as demand has grown, is now the first to provide 400G. WaveLogic Ai enables to operate efficiently and accurately engineer the network for optimal capacity to manage massive flows from new data-intensive research activities Sharp added. In the UK, all further and higher education organisations, including universities, colleges and research centres, are connected to the world by virtue of the internet through the Janet Network, along with some alternative education providers, other public bodies and science parks. Jisc is also responsible for all .ac.uk and .gov.uk domains.