The final results from Chordate Medical's PM007 study show that K.O.S. has a significant effect for the preventive treatment of chronic migraine. The results will be presented at the American Headache Society Scientific Meeting in mid-June and are also available on the organisation's website. Chordate Medical has developed Kinetic Oscillation Stimulation (K.O.S) which is an intranasal treatment providing a preventive effect for chronic migraine and chronic nasal congestion (rhinitis).

In August 2022, the company completed a large patient study, PM007, with K.O.S including 132 patients with chronic migraine. People with chronic migraine suffer from headaches at least 15 days per month, of which at least 8 days are with migraine. The primary efficacy endpoint in the PM007 study was to reduce the number of monthly headache days with moderate to severe intensity, which was achieved with statistical significance.

Positive results from PM007: In the study, 67 of the patients received active K.O.S. treatment, while 65 patients received a validated sham/placebo treatment. Patients receiving active treatment showed a significant reduction in the number of monthly headache days of moderate to severe intensity, compared to patients receiving sham therapy. The difference from the baseline was shown using the least squares means in ANCOVA analysis.

American Headache Society - Chordate conducted the study at five neurological clinics in Germany and four in Finland. The company has previously presented subgroup results from the German part of the study and now the American Headache Society has published the final results in an abstract on their website. The society includes researchers and doctors dedicated to the study and treatment of headaches.

Every year, AHS organises a scientific congress and this year's edition is held in Austin, Texas, on June 15-18. Researchers from Chordate Medical's PM007 study will be there to present the K.O.S. treatment and the study results. The study results benefit the marketing: The study showed that K.O.S. has a sustained treatment effect and that the treatment is well tolerated with no serious adverse events.

This makes the treatment stand out from other preventive treatments on the market by its favourable side effect profile. Based on the results, the company concludes that K.O.S. is an effective and safe treatment option for preventive treatment of chronic migraine. In addition, the treatment is drug-free, which makes it a valuable addition to the current treatment regimen.