China Mining International Limited announced cessation of Mr. Zhai Kebin as Executive Chairman of the Company. Role And Responsibilities: Assumed the roles and responsibilities of a CEO and Executive Chairman and responsible for managing and overseeing the overall business strategy and development of the Group. Job Title: CEO and Executive Chairman.

Other DirectorShips Present: Zhengzhou Tiandi Xincheng Industrial Co. Ltd. Position held: Legal representative, Chairman and General Manager. Zhengzhou Yixing Real Estate Co.

Ltd. Position held: Legal representative, Chairman and General Manager. Zhengzhou Nongtao Electronic Commerce Co. Ltd. Position held: Director.

Reason For Cessation: Mr. Zhai Kebin (?Mr Zhai?) did not seek for re-election and he retired at the Company's Annual General Meeting to pursue his other interests and opportunity. Following Mr. Zhai's retirement, Mr. Zhai ceased to be the Executive Chairman of the Company.