Cerro de Pasco Resources Inc. announced the extension of the surface right contract between CDPR and the community of Quiulacocha for the first phase of the Quiulacocha tailings expl oration project. On 16 October 2019, CDPR received the full support of the community of Quiulacocha to explore and reprocess the tailings of the Quiulacocha tailings deposit. To this effect, CDPR and the community signed a two-year surface rights agreement that covered the southern section of the "El Metalurgista" concession, as well as a large extension of the Quiulacocha tailings deposit that is outside the "El Metalurgista" concession.

CDPR is pleased to inform the public that it has now extended the surface rights agreement with the community of Quiulacocha for a second consecutive year. The latest extension was signed and legalized by a notary in December 2022 for the duration of 1 year: starting on the 16th of October 2022 and ending on the 15th of October 2023. In compliance with the initial contract and its extensions, CDPR has fulfilled all its obligations to date, which includes among other aspects implementation of community support projects.

In this regard, in 2022 CDPR carried out two successful health campaigns for dental and eye care that benefited over 300 community members. The latest contract extension includes among other considerations the implementation of a general health campaign that will benefit all the community members and the creation of a community library.