Âmbar Energia S.A. signed agreement to acquire Portfolio of thermoelectric plants from Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras S.A. - Eletrobrás (BOVESPA:ELET6) for BRL 4.7 billion on June 9, 2024. The sale of thermoelectric portfolio for a total amount of BRL 4.7 billion, of which BRL 1.2 billion was earn-out. With this transaction, Eletrobras accelerates the achievement of its Net Zero 2030 goal.

Transactions are subject to customary market conditions precedent. The transaction will increase the capacity of the Âmbar Energia group from 2.6 GW to 4.6 GW, making it the owner of 40 (forty) power plants in Brazil. Luiz Henrique Vieira, Breno Carvalho Ganem, Marcel Hashimoto and João Paulo Fontoura Vieira, Luiz Gustavo Bichara and Murillo Allevato, Luna Schioser and Gabriel Dompieri of Bichara Barata Costa e Rocha Advogados and Francisco de Assis e Silva and Lúcio Batista Martins, Carlos Barbosa Mello, Felipe Camara and Pedro Simões of Lefosse Advogados acted as legal advisor Âmbar Energia on the transaction.

Gabriel Vadas of Rothschild & Co. acted as financial advisor to Âmbar Energia. Bruno Salzano and Lucas Zamproni of Tauil & Chequer Advogados and Vaz, Barreto, Shingaki & Oioli Advogados acted as legal advisor and Felipe Mattar and Patrick Strauss of Morgan Stanley acted as financial advisor to Eletrobras.