CECORS, INC. through its wholly owned subsidiary PsyKey Inc., announce the appointment of Dr. Michael J. McCarthy, Ph.D. to its scientific and medical advisory board. Dr. McCarthy joins PsyKey with over 35 years of experience serving as a consultant to the biopharmaceutical industry and formulating high-impact pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals. A biochemist and widely published author, Dr. McCarthy offers PsyKey his extensive expertise in securing biomedical patents and intellectual properties.

Prior to joining PsyKey, Dr. McCarthy spent eight years at Scripps Research, ranked the most influential institution in the world for its impact on innovation as their biotechnology patent agent, while working on numerous ground-breaking technologies which have had major market influence. Among his many contributions to the biomedical field, Dr. McCarthy developed the "Agent/Enhancer" technology to increase the potency of biochemical factors used in therapeutics for anxiety, cancer, and sleep enhancement. With degrees in Biology and Physics from Benedictine College, Dr. McCarthy attended The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, where he participated in the Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology program.

McCarthy went on to earn his Ph.D. from the Department of Biochemistry at Vanderbilt University. His Postdoctoral Studies in Endocrinology at Vanderbilt included developing viral and transgenic systems leading to the reversal of atherosclerosis in laboratory animals.