(Alliance News) - The following stocks are the best and worst performers on Italy Growth Thursday afternoon in Piazza Affari.




Casta Diva Group rises 8.7 percent and tops the list of small and medium-sized companies in Piazza Affari after viewing its quarterly consolidated value of production as of March 31, which marks a 73 percent increase over the same figure for the previous year, to EUR21.2 million from EUR12.2 million. With reference to the value of the backlog - orders to be fulfilled within the year - consolidated as of March 31, this stood at EUR41.6 million. The sum of the value of production and backlog as of March 31, 2023, thus amounts to EUR62.8 million and already represents, as of now, 72 percent of the value of production indicated in the 2023-2025 business plan published on April 3, 2023, which is EUR87.2 million.




Redelfi gives up 7.0% and registers the worst performance in its basket. The stock has risen 57 percent in the past month and has been up more than 121 percent in the last six months of trading in Milan.


GO internet falls 6.3%, extending declines of 51% in the last month, 58% in the last six months, and 75% in the last year.


By Giuseppe Fabio Ciccomascolo, Alliance News senior reporter

Comments and questions to redazione@alliancenews.com

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