Carnarvon Petroleum Limited announced that the Roc-South-1 exploration well is going to be drilled in 2019. The well will be drilled immediately after the nearby Dorado-2 appraisal well is completed and the Noble Tom Prosser rig will then finish its 2019 drilling campaign for the joint venture with the Dorado-3 appraisal well. Roc South has a very similar geological trap structure to Dorado and like Dorado is situated up-dip of the Roc structure. Given the very similar seismic characteristics between Dorado and Roc South, and what is anticipated to be an identical oil sourcing mechanism, the Roc South prospect has a relatively high chance of geological success of 63%. With the crest of Roc South being around 13 km from the crest of the Dorado structure, drilling success at Roc South would likely result in this structure being developed with the Dorado field. Roc South-1 is situated in the WA-437-P Permit. The joint venture partners are Carnarvon (20%) and Santos Limited (80%, operator). There are numerous uncertainties inherent in estimating reserves and resources, and in projecting future production, development expenditures, operating expenses and cash flows. Oil and gas reserve engineering and resource assessment must be recognised as a subjective process of estimating subsurface accumulations of oil and gas that cannot be measured in an exact way. These estimated quantities of petroleum that may potentially be recovered by the application of a future development project relate to undiscovered accumulations. These estimates have an associated risk of discovery and risk of development. Further exploration, appraisal and evaluation is required to determine the existence of a significant quantity of potentially moveable hydrocarbons. Unless otherwise stated, all petroleum resource estimates are quoted at standard oilfield conditions of 14.696 psi (101.325 kPa) and 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15.56 deg Celsius). Carnarvon uses probabilistic and deterministic methods for estimation of petroleum resources in this report. Unless otherwise stated, all petroleum estimates reported at the company level are aggregated by arithmetic summation by category.