BTCS Inc. and Forta Network announced an integration aimed at bolstering blockchain regulatory compliance. In January 2024, BTCS introduced Builder+, an Ethereum block builder. Builder+ utilizes advanced algorithms to maximize validator revenue by constructing optimized blocks for on-chain validation.

BTCS believes Builder+ should enhance its Ethereum blockchain infrastructure and create opportunities for new growth. BTCS has incorporated Forta's AI-powered threat intelligence into Builder+, its Ethereum block-building operations. This sophisticated intelligence extends beyond merely screening wallet addresses on the OFAC Specially Designated Nationals ("SDN") list but also screens certain other tangentially connected or associated wallet addresses to enhance compliance and the detection of suspicious activities during the block construction phase.

Forta's threat intelligence provides early warning alerts about potential smart contract exploits. The tool uses multiple signals to identify potentially malicious smart contracts, including monitoring suspicious funding sources like Tornado Cash. By tracking all Tornado Cash deposits and withdrawals and integrating these with other data, it's possible to assess the nature of a smart contract.

For BTCS, this threat intelligence is adapted for use in its block-building process to ensure certain wallet addresses are omitted from blocks constructed by Builder+, thus creating "compliant blocks".