BroadVision, Inc. announced the launch of BroadVision 9. The new solution is designed to enable customers to unify e-business with enterprise social networking into one cohesive and robust solution. BroadVision 9 builds on the strength of BroadVision's e-business expertise by adding the Clearvale(R) enterprise social networking solution to its K2 e-business platform, which includes Personalization for Portals and Transaction Management for e-Commerce, delivering powerful social and mobile capabilities to e-commerce Web sites. BroadVision 9 will revolutionize e-business 2.0 platforms by seamlessly tying cloud-based relationship management with engagement management.

With BroadVision 9, companies will gain new levels of insights into their organization and how it does business with its customers. The new solution will enable companies to work socially and unlock true business potential by engaging and connecting with customers anytime, with anyone, and on any device. BroadVision 9 is designed to help organizations in a wide range of vertical industries including systems integrators, human resources, healthcare, telecommunications, higher education, financial services, marketing, and others.