Bankard Inc. announced that Cesar E. A. Virata, Chairman of the Board; Oscar B. Biason, Director, President and CEO resigned form the company. The company announced that Jose Luis F. Gomez, Jose Emmanuel U. Hilado, Victor P. Quisumbing, Teodoro D. Regala, Sr., Ismael R. Sandig, Uy Chun Bing, Antonino L. Alindogan, Jr. and Roberto F. De resigned as directors of the company. The company also announced the resignation of Antonino L. Alindogan, Jr., Independent Director; Roberto F. De Ocampo, Independent Director; Samuel V. Torres, Corporate Secretary; Mary Ann D. Roque, Assistant Corporate, Secretary; Ma.

Regina Y. Millare, SVP - COO & CIO; Eugenio U. Fernandez, SVP - CFO and Treasurer; Fe Fortunata R. Rio, First Vice President; Vilma M. Baltazar, Vice President; Mylene J. Bico, Vice President; Katrina Joy G. Cruz, Vice President; Benjamin William R. Cumpas, Jr., Vice President; Evelyn A. Fernandez, Vice President; Karlo C. Gonzales, Vice President; Amor A. Lazaro, Vice President; Ma. Angela C. Mirasol, Vice President; Ma. Liwayway M. Tan, Vice President and Compliance Officer; Irene D. Taylo, Vice President; Rica Maria R. Mangahas, Vice President and Renan D. Unson, Vice President.

The company announced the appointment of Cesar C. Zalamea as Chairman of the Board; Isidro C. Alcantara, Jr. as President; Vivian S. Liban as Vice President for Business Development and Chief Information Officer; Thaddeus Nilo P. Rodriguez as Vice President for Strategic Planning; Rolando S. Santos as Vice President and Treasurer; Diane Madelyn C. Ching Corporate Secretary and Hermogenes H. Real Asst. as Corporate Secretary. The company appointed Antonio H. Ozaeta, Isidro C. Alcantara, Jr., Macario U. Te as Directors and Augusto C. Serafica and Carlos Alfonso T. Ocampo as Independent Director.

All management changes are effective from Jan 03, 2014.