Bridgeline Digital, Inc. announced the expansion of its enterprise eCommerce capabilities by offering native support for internationalization and multi-site management. The new features will make their debut in the Bridgeline Unbound v7 product release currently scheduled for February 2019. Over the past year, Bridgeline made substantial investments in its Digital Experience Platform (DXP) to significantly bolster the Unbound Commerce product and expand its global footprint by incorporating native support to help brands handle internationalization and global eCommerce more efficiently. The Bridgeline Unbound platform already provides multi-site management capabilities for marketing sites, and with this new rollout, marketers will have the ability to deploy new eCommerce sites encompassing localized product catalogs, marketing information, and other relevant content to international markets. The Bridgeline Unbound platform will achieve out-of-the-box internationalization through the use of Commerce Variants which are market-specific site variations originating from a parent site. The variant sites share a common database and infrastructure and present a consistent user experience with a shared set of templates, modules and style sheets. The variant sites can serve up a common product catalog presented in different market contexts, such as multi-national/multi-lingual sites or uniquely-branded distributor sites. The variant sites can be configured to support differences in currency, language, locale, as well as various methods of payment, taxation, shipping and more. Complementing the planned enhancements related to eCommerce globalization, Bridgeline is also developing features to further improve the Unbound Commerce administrative experience. The modern, high-performance user interface technology framework provides for a user experience that is substantially more dynamic, streamlined and efficient. Key user experience enhancements include a new performance-driven commerce dashboard which aggregates commerce activity and provides quick and easy access for managing the core assets of commerce – products, merchandising, orders, returns and customers. Additionally, the product catalog, customer and order management interfaces have been completely refactored to provide an optimized user experience.