BOSERA FTSE CHINA A50 INDEX ETF reported earnings results for the full year ended December 31, 2016. For the year, the company reported, interest income of RMB 2,708, net losses on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss of RMB 1,862,919, total net loss of RMB 373,931, operating loss of RMB 1,434,117, total comprehensive loss of RMB 1,492,862, net cash generated from operating activities of RMB 7,194,275, compared to interest income of RMB 39,549, net losses on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss of RMB 2,919,266, total net loss of RMB 2,082,960, operating loss of RMB 670,666, total comprehensive loss of RMB 1,061,488, net cash generated from operating activities of RMB 747,874,769, for the same period a year ago. Net assets attributable to unitholders at the end of the year were RMB 15,299,020 against RMB 23,980,332 a year ago. Net asset value per unit was RMB 5.0997 against RMB 5.3290 a year ago.