Blue Star Helium Limited provides an update on the progress of its key helium well permitting activities in Las Animas County, Colorado. Blue Star has submitted applications in respect of two additional oil and gas development plans(OGDPs) located at its Galactica/Pegasus prospects. The plans are: Galactica-Pegasus OGDP II in respect of 3 proposed wells; and Galactica-Pegasus OGDP III in respect of 4 proposed wells.

These applications together with the existing applications at Galactica/Pegasus mean Blue Star currently has applications relating to a total of 11 helium wells under consideration by COGCC. The Company expects to submit a further two OGDPs in the coming weeks. The wells are targeting production from the Lyons formation following the discoveries at the recently drilled JXSN wells which also confirmed Blue Star's gas on log interpretations at both historic wells Denton B #1 and Colorado #B-1 extending and proving gas over a large structural area predominantly leased by the Company.