Biomerica, Inc. announced that inFoods IBS, a revolutionary new approach to alleviate Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) symptoms, is now available at the flagship office of Gastro Health in Miami, with plans expand into the other Gastro Health offices in the future. Unlike traditional IBS treatments that rely on medications to mask symptoms, inFoods IBS is a personalized and natural treatment approach. The inFoods IBS test is based on a patented technology that identifies the specific foods that can trigger IBS symptoms in individual patients.

Once the trigger food(s) have been identified, patients who remove these trigger foods from their diets often experience a significant reduction or elimination in their IBS symptoms. A double blinded placebo controlled clinical study (performed at Mayo Clinic, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Inc., a Harvard Medical School Teaching Hospital, the University of Michigan, Houston Methodist Hospital, and others), showed the inFoods IBS treatment diet significantly improved several key IBS symptoms including Abdominal Pain Intensity (API). Symptom improvement in API for patients in the treatment arm versus the placebo arm was similar to, and in some cases better than, the improvement seen from current IBS drugs in the market, but without the drug side effects. IBS is a digestive disorder that affects an estimated 40 million people in America making it a leading cause for patient doctor visits1.

Traditional treatments often involve the use of medications that only provide temporary relief and can have severe side effects. In contrast, inFoods IBS focuses on the underlying causes of IBS symptoms.