BH MACRO LIMITED                                                    
                             MONTHLY SHAREHOLDER REPORT:                                         
                             December 2015                                                       


    BH Macro        Overview                                                                           
    Manager:        BH Macro Limited ("BHM") is a closed-ended investment company, registered and      
    Brevan Howard   incorporated in Guernsey on 17 January 2007 (Registration Number: 46235).          
    Capital         BHM invests all of its assets (net of short-term working capital) in the           
    Management LP   ordinary shares of Brevan Howard Master Fund Limited (the "Fund").                 
    ("BHCM")        BHM was admitted to the Official List of the UK Listing Authority and to           
    Administrator:  trading on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange on 14 March 2007.          
    Northern Trust                                                                                     
    Trust")         Total       $1,495 mm¹                                                             
    Corporate       Assets:                                                                            
    J.P. Morgan                                                                                        
    London Stock                                                                                       
    NASDAQ Dubai -  1. As at 31 December 2015 by BHM's administrator, Northern Trust.                  
    USD Class                                                                                          
    Bermuda Stock                                                                                      
    Summary         BH Macro Limited NAV per Share (as at 31 December 2015)                            
                    Share Class NAV (USD mm)  NAV per Share                                            
                    USD Shares          349.7         $20.33                                           
                    EUR Shares           93.4         €20.56                                           
                    GBP Shares        1,051.8         £21.21                                           
                    BH Macro Limited NAV per Share % Monthly Change                                    
                     USD   Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec   YTD 
                    2007               0.10  0.90  0.15  2.29  2.56  3.11  5.92  0.03  2.96  0.75 20.27
                    2008   9.89  6.70 -2.79 -2.48  0.77  2.75  1.13  0.75 -3.13  2.76  3.75 -0.68 20.32
                    2009   5.06  2.78  1.17  0.13  3.14 -0.86  1.36  0.71  1.55  1.07  0.37  0.37 18.04
                    2010  -0.27 -1.50  0.04  1.45  0.32  1.38 -2.01  1.21  1.50 -0.33 -0.33 -0.49  0.91
                    2011   0.65  0.53  0.75  0.49  0.55 -0.58  2.19  6.18  0.40 -0.76  1.68 -0.47 12.04
                    2012   0.90  0.25 -0.40 -0.43 -1.77 -2.23  2.36  1.02  1.99 -0.36  0.92  1.66  3.86
                    2013   1.01  2.32  0.34  3.45 -0.10 -3.05 -0.83 -1.55  0.03 -0.55  1.35  0.40  2.70
                    2014  -1.36 -1.10 -0.40 -0.81 -0.08 -0.06  0.85  0.01  3.96 -1.73  1.00 -0.05  0.11
                    2015   3.14 -0.60  0.36 -1.28  0.93 -1.01  0.32 -0.78 -0.64 -0.59  2.36 -3.48 -1.42
                     EUR   Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec   YTD 
                    2007               0.05  0.70  0.02  2.26  2.43  3.07  5.65 -0.08  2.85  0.69 18.95
                    2008   9.92  6.68 -2.62 -2.34  0.86  2.84  1.28  0.98 -3.30  2.79  3.91 -0.45 21.65
                    2009   5.38  2.67  1.32  0.14  3.12 -0.82  1.33  0.71  1.48  1.05  0.35  0.40 18.36
                    2010  -0.30 -1.52  0.03  1.48  0.37  1.39 -1.93  1.25  1.38 -0.35 -0.34 -0.46  0.93
                    2011   0.71  0.57  0.78  0.52  0.65 -0.49  2.31  6.29  0.42 -0.69  1.80 -0.54 12.84
                    2012   0.91  0.25 -0.39 -0.46 -1.89 -2.20  2.40  0.97  1.94 -0.38  0.90  1.63  3.63
                    2013   0.97  2.38  0.31  3.34 -0.10 -2.98 -0.82 -1.55  0.01 -0.53  1.34  0.37  2.62
                    2014  -1.40 -1.06 -0.44 -0.75 -0.16 -0.09  0.74  0.18  3.88 -1.80  0.94 -0.04 -0.11
                    2015   3.34 -0.61  0.40 -1.25  0.94 -0.94  0.28 -0.84 -0.67 -0.60  2.56 -3.22 -0.77
                     GBP   Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec   YTD 
                    2007               0.11  0.83  0.17  2.28  2.55  3.26  5.92  0.04  3.08  0.89 20.67
                    2008  10.18  6.86 -2.61 -2.33  0.95  2.91  1.33  1.21 -2.99  2.84  4.23 -0.67 23.25
                    2009   5.19  2.86  1.18  0.05  3.03 -0.90  1.36  0.66  1.55  1.02  0.40  0.40 18.00
                    2010  -0.23 -1.54  0.06  1.45  0.36  1.39 -1.96  1.23  1.42 -0.35 -0.30 -0.45  1.03
                    2011   0.66  0.52  0.78  0.51  0.59 -0.56  2.22  6.24  0.39 -0.73  1.71 -0.46 12.34
                    2012   0.90  0.27 -0.37 -0.41 -1.80 -2.19  2.38  1.01  1.95 -0.35  0.94  1.66  3.94
                    2013   1.03  2.43  0.40  3.42 -0.08 -2.95 -0.80 -1.51  0.06 -0.55  1.36  0.41  3.09
                    2014  -1.35 -1.10 -0.34 -0.91 -0.18 -0.09  0.82  0.04  4.29 -1.70  0.96 -0.04  0.26
                    2015   3.26 -0.58  0.38 -1.20  0.97 -0.93  0.37 -0.74 -0.63 -0.49  2.27 -3.39 -0.86
                    Source: Fund NAV data is provided by the administrator of the Fund,                
                    International Fund Services (Ireland) Limited. BHM NAV and NAV per Share data      
                    is provided by BHM's administrator, Northern Trust. BHM NAV per Share % Monthly    
                    Change is calculated by BHCM.  BHM NAV data is unaudited and net of all            
                    investment management fees (2% annual management fee and 20% performance fee)      
                    and all other fees and expenses payable by BHM. In addition, the Fund is           
                    subject to an operational services fee of 50bps per annum.                         
                    NAV performance is provided for information purposes only. Shares in BHM do not    
                    necessarily trade at a price equal to the prevailing NAV per Share.                
                    *Calculated by BHCM as at 31 December 2015                                         
                    PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT INDICATIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS                               


    ASC 820 Asset   Brevan Howard Master Fund Limited                                      
    Categorisation* Unaudited estimates as at 31 December 2015                             
                                  % of Gross Market Value*                                 
                      Level 1                          73.3                                
                      Level 2                          26.2                                
                      Level 3                           0.5                                
                    Source: BHCM                                                           
                    * These estimates are unaudited and have been calculated by BHCM using 
                    the same methodology as that used in the most recent audited financial 
                    statements of the Fund. These estimates are subject to change.         
                    Level 1: This represents the level of assets in the portfolio which are
                    priced using unadjusted quoted prices in active markets that are       
                    accessible at the measurement date for identical, unrestricted assets  
                    or liabilities.                                                        
                    Level 2: This represents the level of assets in the portfolio which are
                    priced using either (i) quoted prices that are identical or similar in 
                    markets that are not active or (ii) model-derived valuations for which 
                    all significant inputs are observable, either directly or indirectly in
                    active markets.                                                        
                    Level 3: This represents the level of assets in the portfolio which are
                    priced or valued using inputs that are both significant to the fair    
                    value measurement and are not observable directly or indirectly in an  
                    active market.                                                         


    Annual Manager  The NAV per share of the USD share class of BH Macro Limited depreciated by          
    Review: 2015    1.42% in 2015, while the NAV per share of the Euro shares depreciated by 0.77%       
                    and the NAV per share of the Sterling shares depreciated by 0.86% in 2015. In        
                    aggregate, gains in FX trading were more than offset by losses in other areas.       
                    BH Macro Limited invests all of its assets (net of short-term working capital)       
                    in the ordinary shares of Brevan Howard Master Fund Limited (the "Fund").            
                    Our largest exposures at the start of the year were short positions in both the      
                    Swiss Franc and the Euro currencies, which were held in expectation of further       
                    ECB easing. The Fund successfully avoided the debacle caused by the Swiss            
                    National Bank unexpectedly de-pegging the Swiss Franc from the Euro in January,      
                    whilst profiting from the ECB's subsequent quantitative easing ("QE")                
                    announcement, to finish up approximately 3% at the end of Q1. Roughly half of        
                    these gains were given back in the second quarter as positions held in               
                    anticipation of an increase in market volatility due to the Greek crisis, which      
                    in the end was resolved, led to losses.                                              
                    During the second half of the year we became increasingly convinced that the         
                    economic slowdown in Europe, and the likelihood that inflation expectations          
                    would start to decline substantially, would lead the ECB to ease much more           
                    aggressively than already elevated market expectations.  We consequently took        
                    large, highly convex positions to gain exposure to that view. In the event, the      
                    ECB disappointed the market at its December meeting and the gains we had made        
                    in November were negated by losses in December. Overall the view cost the Fund       
                    a little more than 1% over the two months. We knew that the amount of risk we        
                    took into the ECB December meeting was high, but our conviction was very strong      
                    and the Fund's positions were structured in such a way that the potential gains      
                    on a positive outcome would have been far greater than the amount that was           
                    eventually lost in December.                                                         
                    On the business side, the Fund's team of investment professionals remained           
                    largely unchanged from the previous year with few arrivals and departures.           
                    Outside of the investment team, we rationalised the mid and back office              
                    functions at the end of the summer. This adjustment reflected the reduced            
                    number of Brevan Howard funds, consistent with a decision taken nearly two           
                    years ago to focus on our core macro strategies.                                     
                    Looking forward, the central bank policy divergence that we have been                
                    anticipating for over a year has now finally arrived and I am confident that         
                    this will materially improve the opportunity set for us.                             
                    After 6 years at zero rates the Fed has started a hiking cycle, which means          
                    that every future FOMC policy decision will have some element of uncertainty.        
                    This is an important development for us as, for the first time in several            
                    years, there are two way trading opportunities on Federal Reserve decisions. At      
                    the same time, the zero bound for rates has been well and truly broken which         
                    means that the ECB, and the BOJ, amongst others, have room to further cut            
                    interest rates if they deem it necessary. In addition, the low volatility            
                    environment prevailing since the end of 2011 appears to have come to an end.         
                    The slowdown of global growth seems to be accelerating and disinflationary           
                    pressures appear to be intensifying. Should these trends continue, major             
                    central banks may in the future find it increasingly difficult to offer the          
                    level of support to capital markets that investors have come to expect.              
                    The Fed took the crucial decision to begin the 'exit' from its policy of zero        
                    rates by enacting a first rate hike of 25bps at the end of 2015 with the             
                    declared intention to follow up with more increases in 2016. It would require        
    Annual          the risk of a true crisis for them to reverse course quickly.                        
    Review: 2015    In the meantime the ECB, by deciding to disappoint market expectations at their      
                    December meeting, only to follow up with a rather more dovish press conference       
                    at the subsequent January meeting, seems to have fallen into a reactive mode.        
                    With price developments in the Eurozone continuing to undershoot both ECB and        
                    market expectations, the risks of fully fledged deflation have not gone away.        
                    Finally, the PBoC is in the difficult position of having to balance a policy of      
                    smoothing an exchange rate depreciation, at the cost of a rapid erosion of           
                    foreign exchange reserves and a tight monetary policy stance, against the need       
                    to provide the monetary easing required by the economy and to allow for a            
                    non-disruptive de-leveraging process. The PBoC's dilemma offers no comfort to        
                    global markets.                                                                      
                    Given this background, it is perhaps not surprising that capital markets have        
                    got off to a rocky start to 2016.                                                    
                    While we begin the year with very low levels of risk, I believe that some            
                    exceptional opportunities are likely to present themselves in this environment       
                    of regime shift and dislocation. We look forward to exploiting a rich                
                    opportunity set in the year ahead.                                                   
    Performance     Yours sincerely,                                                                     
    Review:         Alan Howard                                                                          
    December 2015                                                                                        
                    Performance by Asset Class                                                           
                                Overall, the Fund's performance in interest rate                         
                    Rates       trading was negative. The majority of the losses came                    
                                from directional and curve trading in USD interest rate                  
                                markets. The Fund made gains in EUR directional and                      
                                curve trading while trading in emerging market interest                  
                                rates was a small detractor. Volatility strategies were                  
                                also a small detractor overall.                                          
                                The Fund's performance in FX trading was positive, with                  
                    FX          most of the gains generated in the first quarter. The                    
                                majority of the gains came from a general long USD                       
                                theme against various currencies, in particular against                  
                                the Euro. Trading in China FX also contributed                           
                                positively in the third and fourth quarters. The Fund                    
                                had an average FX exposure of approximately 50% of NAV,                  
                                with more elevated levels of risk at the start and                       
                                towards the end of the year.                                             
                                Overall, the Fund's performance in equity trading was                    
                    Equity      negative.  However, it started the year well with gains                  
                                in Q1 from longs in European equity indices following                    
                                the announcement of QE by the ECB.                                       
                                The Fund's commodity risk in 2015 was low. The Fund                      
                    Commodity   suffered losses in precious metals and energy.                           
                                The Fund made small losses in credit in 2015 mainly due                  
                    Credit      to losses in corporate credit.                                           
                    The information in this section has been provided to BHM by BHCM                     
                    The majority of losses in December resulted from positioning around the ECB          
                    meeting which was the same theme that had driven the gains in November. The          
                    bulk of the losses came from FX trading, but also from a combination of              
                    interest rate and equity index trading in Europe. FX trading losses came from        
                    short positions in the EUR; small offsetting gains came from China, SEK and CAD      
                    trading. Interest rate trading generated negative returns, with long positions       
                    in European interest rates being the main factor, only partially offset by           
                    gains from US directional and curve and basis trades. Equity trading was also a      
                    detractor; losses due to the weakness in European and Japanese equity indices        
                    outweighed the very small gains from US equity index shorts. Tactical long           
                    positions in energy incurred small losses.                                           
                    Performance by Asset Class                                                           
                    Monthly, quarterly and annual contribution (%) to the performance of BHM USD         
                    Shares (net of fees and expenses) by asset class                                     
                       2015     Rates      FX    Commodity  Credit   Equity   Discount   Total           
                    January      0.22     2.27     -0.01     0.00     0.62      0.04      3.14           
                    February    -0.09    -0.69     -0.10     0.01     0.28      0.00     -0.60           
                    March 2015  -0.47     0.63     -0.05     0.14     0.11      0.00      0.36           
                    April 2015   0.09    -1.31     -0.06    -0.02     0.02      0.00     -1.28           
                    May 2015     0.41     0.61     0.01     -0.05    -0.05      0.00      0.93           
                    June 2015   -0.01    -0.45     0.00     -0.11    -0.44      0.00     -1.01           
                    July 2015    0.18     0.50     0.07     -0.05    -0.39      0.01      0.32           
                    August      -0.38    -0.08     -0.02    -0.05    -0.30      0.05     -0.78           
                    September   -0.03    -0.43     -0.05    -0.07    -0.11      0.05     -0.64           
                    October      0.08    -0.43     -0.08    -0.03    -0.21      0.08     -0.59           
                    November     0.30     2.09     -0.06    -0.03    -0.01      0.09      2.36           
                    December    -0.90    -2.15     -0.05    -0.04    -0.53      0.19     -3.48           
                    Q1 2015     -0.34     2.21     -0.16     0.15     1.01      0.04      2.90           
                    Q2 2015      0.48    -1.16     -0.05    -0.18    -0.46      0.00     -1.37           
                    Q3 2015     -0.23    -0.02     -0.01    -0.17    -0.79      0.11     -1.10           
                    Q4 2015     -0.53    -0.53     -0.19    -0.10    -0.75      0.35     -1.78           
                    YTD 2015    -0.62     0.47     -0.40    -0.30    -1.01      0.50     -1.42           
                    Monthly, quarter-to-date and year-to-date figures are calculated by BHCM as at       
                    31 December 2015, based on total performance data for each period provided by        
                    the Fund's administrator, International Fund Services (Ireland) Limited.             
                    Figures rounded to two decimal places.                                               
                    The performance attribution above is derived from data calculated by BHCM,           
                    based on total performance data provided by the Fund's administrator,                
                    International Fund Services (Ireland) Limited and risk data, as at 31 December       
                    PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT INDICATIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS.                                
                    Monthly VaR of the Fund by asset class as a % of total VaR*                          
                                Rates   Vega     FX    Equity  Commodity Credit   Total                  
                    January      14      15      38      25        5        4      100                   
                    February     16      12      26      39        1        5      100                   
                    March 2015   20      14      23      37        2        4      100                   
                    April 2015   21      12      29      29        2        7      100                   
                    May 2015     21      10      36      27        2        4      100                   
                    June 2015    30      16      26      20        2        5      100                   
                    July 2015    12      16      38      26        3        3      100                   
                    August       37      16      31       9        3        4      100                   
                    September    35      16      33       9        2        4      100                   
                    October      34      11      41       7        4        3      100                   
                    November     14      13      57      13        1        2      100                   
                    December     39      11      25      14        4        7      100                   
                    Source: BHCM. Data as at 31 December 2015.                                           
                    * Calculated using historical simulation based on 1 day, 95% confidence              
                    Performance by Strategy Group                                                        
                    Monthly, quarterly and annual contribution (%) to the performance of BHM USD         
                    Shares (net of fees and expenses) by strategy group                                  
                              Macro Systematic Rates  FX   Equity Credit  EMG  Commodity  Discount  Total
                    January   2.05     0.02    0.48  0.18   0.03   0.32  0.03    -0.01      0.04    3.14 
                    February  -0.44   -0.00    -0.12 -0.06 -0.01  -0.02  0.05    -0.00      0.00    -0.60
                    March     0.06     0.00    0.31  0.02   0.02   0.09  -0.12   -0.00      0.00    0.36 
                    April     -0.75   -0.01    -0.39 -0.03 -0.01  -0.04  -0.04   -0.00      0.00    -1.28
                    May 2015  0.41    -0.00    0.45  0.10  -0.00  -0.03  -0.01   -0.00      0.00    0.93 
                    June 2015 -0.83   -0.01    -0.08 0.02   0.00  -0.04  -0.07   -0.00      0.00    -1.01
                    July 2015 -0.02    0.01    0.42  -0.02 -0.01  -0.09  0.02    -0.00      0.01    0.32 
                    August    -0.57   -0.01    -0.22 0.00   0.01  -0.05  0.01    -0.00      0.05    -0.78
                    September -0.78    0.00    0.36  -0.06  0.00  -0.05  -0.17   -0.00      0.05    -0.64
                    October   -0.39   -0.02    -0.28 0.05   0.01  -0.08  0.04    -0.00      0.08    -0.59
                    November  2.00     0.01    0.18  0.16  -0.01  -0.06  -0.01   -0.00      0.08    2.36 
                    December  -2.94   -0.01    -0.32 -0.19 -0.00  -0.01  -0.19   -0.00      0.19    -3.48
                    Q1 2015   1.66     0.03    0.66  0.13   0.03   0.39  -0.04   -0.01      0.04    2.90 
                    Q2 2015   -1.17   -0.03    -0.02 0.10  -0.00  -0.12  -0.12   -0.00      0.00    -1.37
                    Q3 2015   -1.37    0.00    0.56  -0.08 -0.00  -0.19  -0.14   -0.00      0.11    -1.10
                    Q4 2015   -1.39   -0.02    -0.42 0.03  -0.00  -0.15  -0.16   -0.00      0.35    -1.78
                    YTD 2015  -2.28   -0.01    0.79  0.17   0.02  -0.07  -0.45   -0.01      0.50    -1.42
                    Monthly, quarter-to-date and year-to-date figures are calculated by BHCM as at       
                    31 December 2015, based on total performance data for each period provided by        
                    the Fund's administrator, International Fund Services (Ireland) Limited.             
                    Figures rounded to two decimal places.                                               
                    PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT INDICATIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS.                                
                    Methodology and Definition of Monthly Contribution to Performance:                   
                    Attribution is approximate and has been derived by allocating each trader book       
                    in the Fund to a single category. In cases where a trader book has activity in       
                    more than one category, the most relevant category has been selected.                
                    The above strategies are categorised as follows:                                     
                    "Macro": multi-asset global markets, mainly directional (for the Fund, the           
                    majority of risk in this category is in rates)                                       
                    "Rates": developed interest rates markets                                            
                    "FX": global FX forwards and options                                                 
                    "EMG": global emerging markets                                                       
                    "Equity": global equity markets including indices and other derivatives              
                    "Commodity": liquid commodity futures and options                                    
                    "Credit": corporate and asset-backed indices, bonds and CDS                          
                    "Systematic": rules-based futures trading                                            
                    "Discount Management": buyback activity for discount management purposes             
    Manager's       The information in this section has been provided to BHM by BHCM                     
    Market Review                                                                                        
    and Outlook     US                                                                                   
                    The year ended much as it began, with healthy gains in employment contrasting        
                    with anaemic growth. The economy appears to have expanded by approximately           
                    1.75% in 2015, paced by consumption spending and held back by the drags from         
                    international trade and inventory destocking. The fundamentals in the household      
                    sector are solid. Real income is expanding at a moderate pace, wealth as a           
                    share of income is relatively high, balance sheets are in good shape on              
                    average, and credit is readily available for most borrowers. As a consequence,       
                    there is renewed vibrancy in the housing sector and brisk demand for consumer        
                    durables like motor vehicles. The inventory destocking appears to be a largely       
                    one-time adjustment that weighed on growth in the second half of the year, just      
                    as the sharp decline in capital expenditures in the energy sector subtracted         
                    from growth in the first half.  Meanwhile, the headwinds from international          
                    trade are likely to persist in 2016, both because such adjustments tend to take      
                    longer and because the US dollar continues to appreciate. We anticipate 2016         
                    mostly reflecting a repeat of the trends seen in 2015 without the drags from         
                    inventories and energy-related investment. In terms of risks, consumption could      
                    surprise to the upside if households spend more of the wealth accumulated over       
                    the last few years; however, global growth could disappoint further and lead to      
                    worse net exports, or the energy sector could suffer another round of cutbacks       
                    if low prices persist.                                                               
                    The labour market was the highlight of the macro story in 2015. The US added         
                    2.65 million jobs over the year and the unemployment rate fell from 5.7% to          
                    5.0%, which is close to most estimates of full employment. If forecasts are          
                    correct and growth is above 2% in 2016, then the unemployment rate should            
                    continue to fall. The performance of the labour market is even more remarkable       
                    given lacklustre real GDP growth. The data suggest that potential growth is          
                    considerably slower than most estimates. If potential growth were 2%, then the       
                    unemployment rate should have increased during a year of sub-2% growth. In           
                    fact, since the unemployment rate dropped so much, the likelihood is potential       
                    growth is closer to 1% than 2%, a sobering fact with negative long-term              
                    consequences for economic performance and policymaking. To help appreciation of      
                    that difference, the economy would double in size every 35 years at 2% growth        
                    and only every 70 years at 1% growth. In other words, productivity growth looks      
                    stagnant, which means that there's little room for real wage gains. In               
                    addition, lower potential growth means the economy will flirt with the zero          
                    lower bound on nominal interest rates whenever there's a downturn. All of these      
                    implications-slow potential growth, weak productivity growth, and monetary           
                    policy that's constrained by the zero lower bound-are negatives that will            
                    probably continue in 2016.                                                           
                    If the labour market was the highlight of the macro story in 2015, then              
                    inflation was the worst. For most of the year, total consumer price inflation        
                    bounced around a little above zero and core inflation was stuck at 1.3%. The         
                    reasons for low inflation are no mystery. Total inflation is being held down         
                    primarily by the huge decline in consumer energy prices and core inflation is        
                    weak because of the pass-through of lower prices for energy and imports. These       
                    are shocks to the price level so inflation should eventually pick up, but this       
                    is taking longer than expected because energy prices continue to fall and the        
                    US dollar keeps appreciating, thereby lowering import prices. The outlook for        
                    inflation in 2016 resembles the outlook for inflation at the beginning of 2015,      
                    calling for a slow pick up in headline and core. However, that's contingent on       
                    energy prices and the USD finding some equilibrium.                                  
                    In terms of policy, the Federal Reserve raised rates in December, ending months      
                    of speculation about the timing of lift-off. The debate immediately turned to        
                    the pace of monetary policy normalisation, with the policymakers promising           
                    "gradual increases" in rates while the market is sceptical that the economy can      
                    withstand any further removal of accommodation. The gulf between a dovish Fed        
                    and an even more dovish market will play out over the course of the year.            
                    Fiscal policy has merited almost no attention in the last few years, apart from      
                    the periodic scares about the debt ceiling and government shutdown. However, at      
                    the end of the year Congress agreed on a budget that should add a few tenths to      
                    real GDP over the next two years. Looking forward, the Presidential election         
                    looms in November. Although the market's attention is focused elsewhere at the       
                    moment, there will be a keen interest in the election by the summer when a more      
                    liberal Democratic party faces off against a more conservative Republican            
                    party.  The country is deeply divided and there will be volatility no matter         
                    the outcome of the election.                                                         
                    2015 started with the ECB announcement in January of a new €1.1 trillion bond        
                    purchasing programme, known as "APP" (Asset Purchase Programme), a new monetary      
                    policy instrument that had been partly anticipated by financial markets at the       
                    end of 2014. The programme, consisting of both sovereign and sub-national debt       
                    purchases, came as a complement to the private assets bought since the end of        
                    2014, with a total volume of €60bn per month. Although the ECB Quantitative          
                    Easing ("QE") programme was implemented successfully and real GDP growth             
                    climbed to approximately 1.5% in 2015 from 0.9% in 2014, the economic recovery       
                    continued to be fragile, as the impulse from QE diminished during the year,          
                    resulting in inadequate stimulus to withstand the intensifying headwinds             
                    stemming especially from the slowdown in global demand. Indeed, activity growth      
                    slowed from an annualised rate of 2.2% q/q in Q1, to 1.6% q/q in Q2 and 1.2% q/      
                    q in Q3. Although the labour market recovered further over the year, with the        
                    unemployment rate declining by one percentage point to 10.5% at the end of           
                    2015, the adjustment remains slow, very heterogeneous across countries and far       
                    from enough to fill the still large output gap, as shown by the still very           
                    subdued wage dynamics. At the same time, price developments continued to             
                    undershoot both the ECB and market expectations, with HICP inflation averaging       
                    a very low 0.0% in 2015, much lower than the ECB predicted at the beginning of       
                    the year. This disappointing outcome, which risks structurally de-anchoring          
                    inflation expectations, stemmed especially from lower commodity prices,              
                    although core inflation also remained extremely tame, lower than 1%. As a            
                    result, the ECB objective of returning to its target of "below but close to 2%"      
                    in the medium term remains in jeopardy and the risks of fully-fledged deflation      
                    have not gone. As such, the ECB policy decision to ease monetary conditions          
                    only slightly in December and disappoint greatly financial markets expectations      
                    which they had previously raised could prove very detrimental for the economic       
                    prospects of the Eurozone. Indeed, following the decision, financial conditions      
                    tightened, inflation and inflation expectations fell, and the economic data          
                    Politically, the summer months proved highly volatile with Greece's                  
                    anti-austerity Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras calling a referendum as the             
                    highly-indebted country came very close to exiting the Eurozone. While a third       
                    bailout programme of €85bn was agreed in a last minute deal, the implementation      
                    of reforms and debt-relief discussions are likely to remain difficult.               
                    Moreover, political tensions are rising. The consequences of the immigration         
                    crisis, which has hit even the otherwise rock solid leadership of Chancellor         
                    Merkel, has seen increasing support for nationalist and populist parties in          
                    various countries of the common area.                                                
                    Looking forward, the prospects for the Eurozone in 2016 look more challenging        
                    than in 2015. Indeed, on the one hand, the above mentioned tightening of             
                    financial conditions induced by the December ECB policy decision, albeit             
                    moderate, came at a moment when renewed easing was needed so as to provide           
                    fresh impulse to the quantitative easing manoeuvre, amid the challenges posed        
                    by the risks of deflation, a slower and riskier global environment and a still       
                    challenging and far from complete process of de-leveraging. Risks that the           
                    December ECB macroeconomic projections of accelerating recovery and convergence      
                    to price stability will be greatly disappointed look particularly elevated.          
                    Should that be the case, pressure on the ECB to ease monetary conditions again,      
                    making use of all its available instruments, will increase.                          
                    Entering the seventh year of its expansion, the UK economy has lately been           
                    marked by a dichotomy between developments on the real and nominal sides: while      
                    indicators in real, or volume, terms have proved resilient - although not            
                    completely immune to the global slowdown - indicators in nominal, or price,          
                    terms have remained sluggish. For instance, while real GDP likely expanded by        
                    about 2.2% in 2015, both headline and core inflation remained low, at 0.0% and       
                    1.2% y/y, respectively. Similarly, while on-going strong job growth led to a         
                    further drop in the unemployment rate, the tightening of the labour market           
                    failed to translate into meaningful upward pressure on nominal wages. As             
                    inflation keeps undershooting the Bank of England's 2% inflation target, the         
                    Bank remains in no hurry to hike rates in the near future, especially as the         
                    economic outlook in the short term has become more clouded. First, the past          
                    appreciation of Sterling still poses a headwind to the economy, weighing on          
                    exports. Second, fiscal policy should become slightly more contractionary this       
                    year, compared to the last couple of years. Thirdly, the uncertainty                 
                    surrounding the EU referendum may result in companies putting investments on         
                    hold until the uncertainty over the UK's future in the EU has been removed.          
                    Thus, even in a scenario where the UK remains a member of the EU, confidence         
                    may be adversely affected in the run-up to the referendum. In the alternative        
                    scenario, where the UK votes to leave the EU, the economy would likely suffer        
                    more, at least in the short term. Moreover, such a scenario would rekindle           
                    fears over a break-up of the UK, as the question of Scotland's independence          
                    could come back on the table.                                                        
                    In our base case, the UK economy will continue its expansion and make up for         
                    any pre-referendum slowdown in the data once the referendum has been held,           
                    driven by robust gains in incomes in real terms - due to inflation rates even        
                    lower than nominal wages growth - over the past couple of years and an on-going      
                    need for housing and infrastructure investment. The gradual erosion of spare         
                    capacity and the further tightening in the labour market should eventually set       
                    the scene for the first rate hike, but only once wages growth have shown             
                    clearer signs of acceleration. However, the risks remain skewed towards a later      
                    rate hike, due to a weak global backdrop, the sensitivity of the currency,           
                    uncertainty about the new level of the non-accelerating inflation rate of            
                    unemployment (NAIRU) and an elastic supply of labour to the UK from the EU.          
                    Lastly, the Bank of England may well decide to implement macro-prudential            
                    measures to tackle any signs of overheating, which could weigh on economic           
                    activity and act as a substitute to monetary tightening.                             
                    While 2014 was marked by a large swing in activity due to the introduction of        
                    the consumption tax hike, 2015 saw steadier, modest gains for the most part.         
                    The output gap stepped down 1 percentage point at the start of the year and was      
                    flat thereafter.  The unemployment rate maintained its downward trend seen over      
                    the previous five years and looks to end 2015 at its lowest level since 1997.        
                    For the most part, survey measures like the Tankan and Shoko-Chukin survey of        
                    small and medium-sized businesses moved sideways over the year, and industrial       
                    production was flat on balance.                                                      
                    Looking to 2016, Japanese growth is likely to be tepid, averaging fairly close       
                    to the slow rate of potential output growth.  Solid momentum in private              
                    domestic demand, supported by ongoing income gains, should be partially offset       
                    by a difficult external outlook due to the recent strength in the yen, as well       
                    as ongoing weakness in major Asian export markets.  Government spending could        
                    be a slight drag on the economy, and we see no reason to suppose that the            
                    upcoming corporate tax rate cut will materially boost aggregate demand in the        
                    near term.                                                                           
                    The inflation performance was mixed over the year.  Abstracting from the             
                    effects of the consumption tax increase, the year-on-year change in core prices      
                    was relatively flat in 2015, remaining within a thin band straddling 0%              
                    throughout the year, as falling energy prices, which are included in Japan's         
                    definition of core inflation, held down the aggregate.  On the other hand, the       
                    12-month change in consumer goods excluding food and energy steadily moved up.       
                    Stable 0.1% seasonally adjusted month-on-month gains were added to the 12-month      
                    change, while essentially flat readings in 2014 dropped out.                         
                    After significantly boosting its bond buying in October 2014, monetary policy        
                    was essentially on hold throughout the year.  The Bank of Japan ("BoJ") tweaked      
                    its policy at the December meeting by extending the maturity of the bonds it         
                    will buy from ten to twelve years, and introducing a new program to buy              
                    exchange-traded funds of stocks issued by companies actively investing in            
                    physical and human capital.  Markets initially rallied, thinking that it             
                    represented a true increase in policy accommodation, but then they pulled back       
                    once they realised their extremely limited nature.  The Bank went on to              
                    describe its actions as a technical adjustment.  All told, it served to raise        
                    questions as to whether the BoJ will revert back to incremental policy changes,      
                    without actually moving the needle on accommodation.  Governor Kuroda had said       
                    a month earlier that the BoJ needs to lead markets in pushing up inflation           
                    expectations; it cannot simply rely on wages to pick up on their own.  With          
                    Governor Kuroda's aide recently saying that the conditions are in place, more        
                    accommodation looks to be under serious consideration.                               
                    Indeed, the need for further accommodation has increased of late as the              
                    re-inflationary backdrop has deteriorated.   In the second half of December,         
                    the yen appreciated over 2% against the dollar and then opened the year              
                    strengthening another 2%.  Oil took another step down, and while the BoJ is          
                    capable of separating the direct effects of oil on its definition of core            
                    inflation from changes in the underlying trend, there are still some spillover       
                    effects to non-energy prices.  Consumer inflation expectations appear to have        
                    stumbled in the last few months with a weighted average of household inflation       
                    expectations falling 0.6% from its first-quarter average.  Spring wage               
                    negotiations appear to be disappointing.  All told, while the 12-month change        
                    in core prices should move up due to base effects as the previous sharp              
                    declines in energy prices fall out of the calculation, in this environment           
                    further inflation gains excluding food and energy are not in the offing.             
                    2015 was a most challenging year for China, gripped by an extremely challenging      
                    combination of high and still rising leverage, and slowing underlying growth,        
                    both in real and nominal terms, as large overcapacity in a number of sectors         
                    induced deflationary pressures. Attempts by policy makers to ease monetary           
                    conditions in the form of cuts to the reserve requirement ratio ("RRR") and          
                    official interest rates, showed diminishing returns in terms of their ability        
                    to generate credit and boost economic activity. This is perhaps unsurprising as      
                    the transmission mechanism tends to lose its effectiveness in a high leverage        
                    environment. As a result, in 2015 GDP growth slowed from 7.7% to 6.9%, the           
                    lowest in 30 years, although broadly in line with the government "about 7%"          
                    target. Speculation on the accuracy of the China growth data has risen, as many      
                    analysts believe that the actual growth rate is lower than the published             
                    figure. Moreover, China's stock and foreign exchange markets witnessed great         
                    turbulence. Indeed, on the one hand the Shanghai composite index after nearly        
                    doubling from November 2014 to mid-June 2015, subsequently collapsed returning       
                    to its January 2015 level. On the other hand, the Yuan depreciated by                
                    approximately 3% from mid-August 2015 to year-end, despite massive intervention      
                    by the People's Bank of China ("PBoC") aimed at stabilising the exchange rate        
                    until it joined the IMF SDR basket on 30 November. Importantly, capital outflow      
                    pressures persisted thereafter. Throughout the whole of 2015 foreign exchange        
                    reserves contracted by more than US$500bn, to US$3.3tn.                              
                    Looking forward, 2016 looks as if it could be another turbulent year for China.      
                    In particular, capital outflow pressures are likely to persist despite               
                    tightened capital controls and a large current account surplus, along with the       
                    rising demand from onshore corporates and households aimed at diversifying           
                    their assets from RMB into USD. The on-going anti-corruption campaign could          
                    also exacerbate capital flight. As such, the PBoC will likely encounter              
                    increasing difficulties in smoothing out the pace of the depreciation, as the        
                    costs in terms of reserves' depletion are likely to rise. The official GDP           
                    growth target for 2016 is likely to be lowered to about 6.5%, a result which         
                    may be a challenge to achieve given the increasing ineffectiveness of the            
                    monetary transmission channel and the limited room to ease monetary policy           
                    conditions amid rising outflows. Fiscal policy is likely to be expanded, but         
                    not to an extent which can stabilise the economy, as only small-scale fiscal         
                    easing measures are poised to be introduced after the March National People's        
                    Congress. Last, but not least, elevated volatility in financial markets is           
                    likely to persist, at least until such a time as the exchange rate is let freer      
                    to adjust to market forces, thus damaging growth prospects.                          
    Enquiries       Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited         
                    Harry Rouillard +44 (0) 1481 74 5315                                                 

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