The board of directors of Beijing North Star Company Limited announced that, the Board received a resignation application from Mr. CHEN De-Qi, the executive director and deputy general manager of the Company. Mr. CHEN tendered his resignation as the executive director and deputy general manager of the Company to the Board to focus on other specific matters, and did not hold any other positions of the Company. Mr. CHEN's resignation as an executive director will not result in the number of directors of the Board being less than the required quorum, nor will it have any impact on the normal operation of the Board.

The resignation application of Mr. CHEN came into effect when it was delivered to the Board. Mr. CHEN confirms that he has no disagreement with the Board in all respects and there is no matter relating to his resignation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company or The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. The Board expresses its sincere gratitude to Mr. CHEN for his contribution to the development of the Company during his term of office as the executive director and deputy general manager of the Company.