Baron Oil Plc announced retirement of Dr. Malcolm Butler, Executive Chairman, who has served the Company in both executive and non-executive roles since 2015. His departure from the Board will take effect from today's date but he will continue to act as an Advisor to the Company until 31 March 2021. The Company announced the appointment of John Wakefield as independent non-executive Chairman and the appointment of Jon Ford, previously non-executive Director, as Technical Director, both with immediate effect. Andy Yeo, who was previously Managing Director, now becomes Chief Executive of the Company with immediate effect. John is an experienced quoted company director and corporate adviser, having previously worked at several nominated adviser firms. He qualified as a solicitor with McKenna & Co (now CMS Cameron McKenna) and was a lecturer in law at the University of Newcastle before moving into corporate finance, first with Williams de Broë Limited and then at Rowan Dartington & Co Limited, where he was a founder director, shareholder and head of corporate finance. Jon has more than 39 years' experience in the upstream oil and gas industry in a variety of roles in petroleum geoscience and senior management. He has been involved in successful exploration, development and production projects in the UK, Netherlands, Romania, Tunisia and Indonesia among others. He has been a non-executive director of Baron Oil since April 2019.